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Author: Welcome back, people! I want to put a disclaimer before you continue reading. This chapter is going to be longer than usual and there is a possibility that I left some things out without notice(This chapter is more than 7,000 words long, after all!). If you notice see something in the chapter that doesn't make sense or it feels like some dialogue is missing, please feel free to tell me about it, and I'll fix it right away. Thank you for reading this far into this story; I would not be here without your continuous support.

Also, ignore the picture from above at the moment; it will make sense later(probably.)

"Whew, thank goodness. I'm so glad I got to talk to her."

After having spoken with Marnie and realizing that there weren't any hard feelings between the two, you seriously got more excited and confident to take on the grass Gym.

"Hell yeah! I'm so pumped! Watch out, Galar! Here comes the new me!"

You were insanely happy that you had met her. This might be the happiest day of your life, and you look forward to meeting her again in the future and, possibly one day, becoming more than just rivals or friends.

Just maybe.

However, there is a Gym leader to beat and a family business to save, so you can worry about all that stuff later and concentrate on why you are here in the first place.

"Hmm, strange. For some reason, it feels like I am forgetting something."




Sudden realization!

"Oh crap! Gloria! I totally forgot about her! She must still be out there looking for Morpeko!"

You screamed in fear at the sudden realization and began looking for her immediately.

You run around the entire town looking for her, which somehow results in being more difficult than locating Marnie's Morpeko.

"Gloria! Where are you!?"


"Huh!? What the hell? Where is that sound coming from? It sounds like someone is crying. Wait, could that be -"

You look around for the origin of that sound, and you finally find Gloria face down on the floor off to the side of the main road.

Your initial thought was that something had happened to him.; maybe she got attacked by those Meowths from before or something like that, so you quickly rush to her aid.

"Gloria! Are you okay!? I've been looking for you everywhere... What are you doing on the ground?"

It wasn't until you got a closer look at her that you noticed she didn't have any scratches or appeared to be injured in any way. You did, however, notice something else.

She was sobbing.

"(Y/n)~ something horrible happened."

She lifted her face, showing her big googly eyes filled with tears.

"W-what happened?"

She clings to you and begins bawling uncontrollably and getting snot all over your shirt.


"Hey! What the-Could you at least clean your nose first!! Oh, gross!!"

In response, Gloria held tighter onto you and kept on crying. What could have possibly happened for her to be this upset?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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