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With high spirit and confidence. The boy adventure to an unpredictable world he had never seen.

A world with an infinite amount of creatures waiting to be discovered. Trainers, rivals, and more.

Always moving forward to the top. Not looking back and of course, never giving up...


It has been two days and you don't have any idea on how to get to the next town. You have just been wandering around endlessly in the Wild Area.

The Wild Area is a big open area connected to multiple towns and cities and filled with wild and dangerous Pokemon.

The problem being that is too vast to know where you are. Hence you being desperately crying for help.

Y/n: AAAAAAAAH! Mom! Where are you!?

But then a sound from the near bushes catches your attention and immediately stopped screaming.

A pokemon?

You get up and silently go to where the noise is coming from. And around the bushes you found a green bug type pokemon crawling around.

You immediately recognized it. You have been interested in Pokemon all your life so is really easy to identify.

Y/n: A Caterpie!

The pokemon noticed you.

shouldn't have yelled at it.

Y/n: Eevee! I choose you!

Everyone knows that to catch a Pokemon you have to weaken it first. And that's exactly what you plan to do with this one.

You tossed Pokeball with your one and only Pokemon and prepare to battle.

Y/n: all right! Use a Quick attack!

Eevee instead opts to run up to your arms. She didn't know she was sent to battle since you have never been in one.

Y/n: oh come on Eevee! The pokemon is running away...

You look back at the Caterpie who was "running" away from being caught but it was like moving slower than a rock. It does not seem to be necessary to even weaken it.

You take one Pokeball out of your bag and tap the little caterpillar once on the forehead.

It starts to shake. 1...2....3.....!





Y/n: I caught a Caterpie!!

Eevee: Eevee!!

You both jump out in the air out of joy.

A Caterpie, your first Pokemon. Your path to becoming the champion is looking good... You are still lost though.





A young black-haired girl with emerald green eyes, pale skin, and a goth outfit walks around the city of Motostoke.

She seems to be looking for something or for someone.

She runs up to her own Pokemon, a Morpeko, who has been looking around the city as well.

Marnie: did you found anythin'?

The little rodent shook his head he jumped out to her arms.

Marnie: don't worry, you did great. We will get em'.

That Lovely Smile(Marnie x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now