Chapter Three

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Three times a day. I had to see her three times a day.

When I'd initially been attracted to Chelsea in homeroom - so I could admit it, I was attracted to her - I thought I'd be able to ignore it. Then she showed up three periods later for study hall, and I spent the entire time staring at her. Then, she showed up once more two periods later for Twelfth Grade Advanced Placement English. The only senior class I taught. Of course she had to be smart, too. All my luck was against me.

Each time I saw her that week, we talked, which felt like a blessing but was definitely a curse. She really wasn't too good to be true. Not only was she gorgeous, but incredibly clever and funny. I didn't know what it was about Chelsea that made me think in such a way about her, because of course she was beautiful, but I'd known a lot of pretty girls in my time and hadn't been attracted to most of them. There was something else, beyond the physical, that made me die to know her better. Charisma, maybe. Or charm.

Wednesday afternoon, she walked in for English. My third time having seen her that day. She was the first one there, but didn't seem to notice. "I'm back," she said, poking fun at the frequency with which she ended up in my room.

"I see an awful lot of you in one day," I noted unnecessarily, giving her eyes without realizng I was doing so.

"I know," she replied, putting her things down. "I should probably just move in."

You probably should, I thought, but searched for an answer I could actually give out loud. "Well, you would save a lot of gas money," I pointed out.

 "I would if I had my own car," she complained. Facetiously smiling, she sighed, "Parents."

"They're so unfair, aren't they?" 

Some other kids walked in then, and the conversation was cut short.  Somehow I knew, though, that it would give me enough material to think about it all weekend.

Okay, I had a crush. At least I would never do anything about it.

That afternoon, I was called into a meeting with the school's principal, not knowing why. I knocked tentatively on the door, wondering if I'd been fired already. He let me in, smiling, which I took as a good sign, and motioned me to a chair on the opposite side of the desk.

"Nice to see you, Brooke," he said, taking a seat of his own. "How are you liking Ardale?"

"Thanks," I said genuinely, though I was inevitably nervous. "It's great so far. Everyone's been really welcoming." That was mostly the truth. I'd gotten along with my staff well insofar, and had no reason to complain.

"Good to hear," he said. "I called you today because we're looking for someone to coach cheerleading this year. Liliana Hernandes mentioned that you'd been a cheerleader in high school and college."

I relaxed considerably. I hadn't cheered in two years, but I had spent eight years of my life doing it. I wondered if it paid, or if I would even have time, but in true Brooke Chandler fashion I automatically accepted. You're so passive, I admonished in my mind, but kept a smile on my face.

"Of course," I said. "I'd love to."

"Really?" he asked, obviously not having fully expected me to say yes.

"Yeah," I said. "I might have to move some things around, but I'm happy to help out."

"Great," he said. "Thank you."

Expecting more details but receiving none, I had to ask. "When do we start?"

"How does tomorrow sound?"


Sign-ups for try-outs went up the following morning, and it was amazing how quickly things went. In homeroom, it was reasonably quiet, so I figured I'd ask casually, "Is anyone trying out for cheering?"

I could barely believe which hand was raised.


"High V," I called.




I was trying to watch all the girls equally, but it wasn't easy. Every time I scanned the line for sharpness of motions, correct form, technique, all I could see was one pair of tan, slender legs in cheerleading shorts. 

Chelsea hadn't struck me as the cheerleading type. Sure, there was that bright smile and sparkling charisma, but she also seemed laid back and more artistic, musical maybe. Of course, I wasn't complaining, but I knew that having to be so close to her in yet another situation wouldn't be good for me, or my relationship. 

Tearing my eyes off of her body, I turned my attention to the girls' facials. Hardly any of them were smiling.

"You know, for girls who want to be cheerleaders, I'm not seeing a whole lot of cheer," I joked. Chelsea laughed, and it made me want to melt, but I kept it inside.

"I want to see your motions individually, so I'll call you in one by one," I explained next. I indicated for the girl on the far left of the line to stay, and everyone else to go out. Individually, I called motions for each girl to go through. Most of the girls messed up something, and each had some flaw for me to fix. I sent the fourth or fifth girl out, and called "Next," out the gym door.

In walked my favorite student.

"Hi, Chelsea," I smiled, happily scrawling her name in my notebook.

"Hi, Miss Chandler," she smiled back, and I felt like I was on fire.

"I'm going to call some motions, and then I'll give you feedback," I explained, trying not to be so obviously staring at her.

"Okay," she said, her bright expression unchanging. 

I did as I'd said I would, and just like in every other aspect, she didn't disappoint me. I only had one critique.

"Great," I said when I was done. "Just go back to your high V for a second." 

She did. I came behind her and placed my hands on her upper arms, gently pushing them forward. They'd been too far back, and they needed to get closer together. I continued to tell myself in my mind that I was just being a good coach, and the touch had nothing to do with my feelings for her. Although I knew I hadn't gotten so handsy with any of the other girls, and they hadn't done half as well.

My chest against her back, face next to her neck, I softly explained, "Arms a little further out." Then, sliding my hands up her arms and to her wrists in an unintentionally sensual manner, I turned her hands out. "And hands outwards, like this," I explained. 

She seemed to struggle to speak. I hoped I hadn't made her uncomfortable. Immediately, I wished I hadn't been so stupid and let my little crush get in the way. She stammered on an "Oh, okay," and opened and closed her eyes a couple of times. I let my arms fall and walked out in front of her.

"Let me see one more time," I said.

She put her arms up the way I'd placed them, in a perfect high V. 

"Perfect," I said, satisfied. "You're a natural."

"Thank you," she beamed, fluttering her long eyelashes in a way that made me shiver.


A/N: Things are heating up! Is Brooke making a mistake, or is Kate getting what she deserves? I know some of you reeaally don't like Kate, lol. Comment/Vote :)

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