Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: So, I realize these things get annoying after a while...but I thought I'd let you guys know that you're awesome. The comments, messages, votes, and adds I'm getting are really too much. And some of you are honestly so hilarious, I end up sitting here at my computer laughing to myself. Embarrassing, but true.  The story has 1,000 more reads since the last time I checked which is incredible! And so I really wanted to give a big thank you. :) 

Much love,
- Railene 

That night after practice, Kate came over and we took a walk to a local coffee shop to just hang out. Impressively, she didn't try anything, and didn't argue when I paid. She asked a couple questions about Chelsea, most of my answers equivocal, as I didn't want to get into much detail. If I gave enough information on the subject, it seemed inevitable that eventually she'd ask "How old is she?" or "Where did you meet?" 

Just around the time we were ready to call it a night, she noted, "You seem really happy, Brooke." That's when I realized that I actually was.


The following day, I was feeling bold, and most importantly, for the first time in months, I was feeling 100% worry free about Kate. The girls were just leaving practice, which I'd ended an hour early, when I shamelessly called Chelsea's name. She was about to go out unceremoniously, without as much as a goodbye, which I knew was for my own good, but I wasn't ready to let her go just yet. She turned around in the doorway while everyone filed out, and I beckoned her back with my index finger. Deviously, she smiled and approached me.

"Can't get enough, Miss Chandler?" she teased, putting her hands on my waist.

"Not even close," I said, looking down at her hungrily.

"I figured," she said confidently, tossing her hair slightly with her head.

"Still want to learn that lesson?" I said in almost a whisper into her neck.

She feigned shock as she gasped, "On a school night?"

I smiled. "We'll call it homework."

"Homework I'll actually enjoy," she giggled as she ran her hands up my back, landing on my shoulders. "Let's go."

Even in the car, I couldn't keep my hands off of her. For some reason, I wanted her even more than usual, and that was making a significant statement. I ran my hand over her thigh, bare in the shorts she'd worn to cheer in. 

We were walking up to my apartment when Chelsea noted, "I feel kind of dirty."

"Me too," I laughed, opening the door.

"No," she said, "I mean I feel gross. I just came from cheering."

I put my bag down on the counter then turned back to her. "Maybe you'll just have to take a shower," I said suggestively.

She grabbed me by the shirt in both hands. "Only if you join me," she said, pulling me in to kiss her. I took control and pinned her against the wall, kissing her passionately, but she used her grab on my shirt to turn me over until we were in opposite positions. We stood there wrestling, kissing and laughing for a few moments when all of a sudden my front door opened.

Immediately I gasped and took my hands off Chelsea, turning to see who it was. Not for the first time, but the second. 

"Kate!" I practically screamed.

"Oh, my God!" she said, putting her hands in front of her eyes as if we were naked. "I am so sorry, I didn't know you'd be home yet," she spit, stumbling backwards towards the door.

"That's okay," I exhaled, trying to be level headed. "Practice ended early."

I didn't know how Chelsea would feel with me outing our relationship, but it was already out. And after all, I flashed back to the last time Kate had shown up and Chelsea didn't even want to hide. "This is Chelsea," I awkwardly introduced because I really had no other choice at this point. Not Chelsea my girlfriend, not Chelsea my fuck buddy, certainly not Chelsea my student. Just Chelsea was good enough for the moment. "Chelsea, this is Kate."

"Oh," Chelsea said, awkwardly, tugging down at her shirt which had risen above her midsection. "Nice to meet you," she said. By the look upon her face, I knew that it was clicking together for her.

"Oh, you too," Kate said cordially. "I'm really sorry to...interrupt, but, I left my phone here, and I would have called before I came, but...well...yeah, that's pretty obvious."

Kate was usually remarkably good with words - if she ever became an attorney, she'd be making a living off of it. It was weird to see her like this, struggling to find something to say. 

"That's okay," I said again, for the first time noticing her cell on my coffee table. I picked it up and handed it to her. Chelsea remained frozen against the wall. "Here you go," I said, sensing that she just wanted to get out of there.

"Thanks," she said. "I'm really sorry. Nice meeting you," she said to Chelsea before going for the door.

"You too," Chelsea said, getting over the initial shock enough to speak coherently. 

"Bye," Kate said, shutting the door as quickly as she'd opened it.

I turned to Chelsea. "I am so sorry," I said. 

"Wow," Chelsea exhaled. "I get it now."

"Get what?"

"Why you were so whipped over her," she said. "Brooke, she is beautiful."

"Oh," I said awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. "Yeah, she's pretty."

"Brooke," she said. "Come on. She's gorgeous."

I half smiled, cocking an eyebrow. "Do you happen to have a crush on my ex-girlfriend?"

"Hah," she said all too quickly. "Neurotic bitch isn't really my type."

I whistled, impressed by the Liliana-Hernandes-esque repartee. Sometimes they were so alike it scared me. "That's a lot of sass," I commented.

She wrinkled her nose. "Just a little bit jealous, that's all."

"Does it bother you that we're still friends?"

"No," she said. "No, why should it? We're not even, like, official or anything."

"Chelsea, that doesn't matter. Labels aren't important. I love you, and when I say that, I mean it. I'm completely, fully, with you. Not with anyone else."

She slowly melted into a smile. "Okay," she said, kissing me on the forehead. "I love you, too."

We fell into a short period of silence. Eventually, I admitted, "Well, that was kind of a mood killer."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "Nothing could kill that mood."

She jumped up to kiss me, arms around my neck, and I caught her underneath as I carried her to the bathroom, to pick up, thankfully, right where we'd left off.

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