On a mission to find our dad

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Hi my name is Stacey

I have dark blonde hair and greenish blue eyes,5'7 and weigh 134 pounds and i'm 17 years old.

I have a 2 older brothers  -23 Matthew(Matt), -19 Jonathan(John) and a younger sister -15 Jennifer(Jenny)

My mother's name is Catherine.

In our household we're all about family.  When i was 5 years old my dad walked out on us.

I don't remember much of what happened because i was a little kid at the time but i've heard this stories over and over again by my brothers and i remember parts of it when they bring it up. My mom doesn't really like to talk about it because it brings up too many painful memories for her. 


It was 2 in the morning and my had stayed up waiting for my dad to walk through the door because he was suppose to be home from work at 8 at night. 

When my dad finally walked through the door all we could hear was yelling and this conversation going back and fourth between my mom and dad.

"Where the hell you been Mark"

"Didn't know i wasn't allowed to go out after work"

"I Don't mind but you need to call and tell me first"

"Goodnight i don't want to talk to you"

"Are you drunk Marcus James?"

"Yes, why yes i am! Is that alright with you mom"

"We'll talk about this in the morning! We don't need you waking the kids"

"No we'll talk about this now! I've been cheating on you"


"Yeah! You're getting too old for me honey"

"Who is she"

"Jenny's pre school teacher"

"How could you do this to me? We've been through so much and you risk it for some tramp and what the hell does you're getting too old for me mean anyway?"

"I don't want no wrinkley broad! You're played out! Sorry honey"

"So what are you going to tell the kids"

"I'm not going to tell them anything because when they leave for school i'm going to pack my things and move to a different state with my new girlfriend"

"Do you really think she's just going to pack up and leave with you?"

"She gave her 2 week notice 2 weeks ago and it was her idea"

"You're a pig! How are you just able to run away from you're kids for some tramp?"

"Tell them i'm working"

"I will not lie to my kids"

"I'm just going to head on up to bed now so i don't end up hitting you! I have stuff to do in the morning! Goodnight"


We never seen or heard from our dad ever since. I really want to find him because i need him in my life and i have so many questions for him.

If he still doesn't want anything to do with us then i'll walk away with my head held high but if he does decide he wants to be a part of our life again then i want to give him a chance.

I want to talk to my brothers and my sister to see if they want to come along which i really hope they do because i don't think i can do this alone.

I know this is going to break my mom's heart but at the same time she needs to understand we need to have a dad in our life.

On a mission to find our dadWhere stories live. Discover now