Chapter 6: Getting to know dad

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Thanks to the above I'm going to continue on with this story. I realized my book may not be very popular but there are a few that read it and like it so thanks to those of you who are reading and like my story. I apologize for making you all wait.

Our dad was standing about 6 foot 4 with dark brown hair and dark green eyes. It's amazing how much he looks like the four of us.

We all stood in silence for a few moments before anyone spoke up. It was awkard but my dad just stood there with a shocked expression on his face. Could he really know who we are?

Dad: I cant believe this. Come in. Theres not much room because my wife and I are in the middle of moving.

John: You remember us?

Dad: Well of course I do. I can never forget such beautiful faces especially when I'm the one who created them.

My dad seemed happy to see us but I just had a gut feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go wrong.

I just have a feeling that my brothers are going to start grilling him and going hard on him for leaving us when we were little. I couldn't blame them but I hope their not too mean about it.

Jenna: I can see you don't make that much money. Huh?

I couldn't believe Jenny really just said that to our dad. I so expected my brothers to be the first to say something smart but I guessed wrong. We need our father so Jenny needs to stop while she's ahead.

Dad: Actually this is the place my wife and I first moved into when we didn't have much but with my daughter Lacey's 6th birthday coming up soon, we need more room.

Jenna: Must have been nice to run off and start a new family while you forgot about us.

Me: Jenna enough.

Dad: No it's alright Stacey. I don't blame any of you for being mad at me. What I did was wrong. I just wasn't ready to settle down with four kids then. I know it will never be enough but I really am sorry and I regret it everyday. 

Jenna: So how much do you make now?

Dad: Well I have a really good job so I make a decent amount of money.

I cant believe Jenna's really being selfish about this. I hope she didn't only come here for my dad's money. I mean I totally agree that we all have every right to be mad but the point of us coming out here was to get on good terms with our dad. I don't need Jenna to be the one to ruin this.

Me: So wheres your wife and daughter at?

Dad: They went out to eat since we're in the middle of moving we don't have much here. You guys hungry? I know a great restaraunt down the street. My treat.

Matt: That's alright. We ate on our way here. Thanks anyway.

John: So we know your daughter's name is Lacey. What's your wife's name?

Dad: Well my daughter is your sister so you don't have to keep calling her my daughter.

John: I know it's just weird.

Dad: My wife's name is Christine.

Things were going great. We played games and most of us laughed at my dad's corny jokes. He thought they were funny and some of them were but most of them were lame. 

Jenny was the only one not laughing. She didn't even play any of the games with us but instead sat in a chair looking miserable.

Me: Jenny. Do you want to go talk outside alone?

Jenny: And exactly why would I talk to you? I don't even like you.

Me: Whatever.

Matt: I'll talk to her. Come on Jenny.

I know my sister's at that age where she has a horrible attitude. It's a part of growing up but seriously what did I ever do to this girl?

I remember when we were little and Jenny would always go through my things and play dress up. Sometimes I would get mad at her going through my stuff but I never let it show. I mostly always thought it was funny when she would come out in clothes ten sizes too big for her and a face full of make up that looked like it had been done by a clown.

I don't know what's changed throughout the years. We use to be bestfriends but now she only talks to mainly Matt and sometimes John. 

It upsets me but what am I to do when she wont even give me the chance to talk to her about it.

Dad: How long are you all staying for?

Matt: We haven't really figured that out yet. We imagined you not even wanting to see us and we'd end up going back home this same day.

Dad: Did you get my letters? By reading those letters you would know how much I wanted to see you.

Me: Mom kept them hidden from us but I end up finding them.

Dad: That breaks my heart. Well we should be in our new house by tomorrow morning so there will be more then enough room for all of you. Your welcomed to stay however long you want.

John: Well the most we'd be able to stay is probably a week because mom wasn't too happy about us even coming out here.

Dad: Well when you guys talk to your mom I would also like to have a chat with her. If I can convince her to let you guys stay the whole summer, how would that sound to you all?

We all agreed and said yes. Jenny was the only one who said no to dad's idea until Matt pulled her aside and had another chat with her. When Jenny and Matt came back in she agreed to stay the whole summer if our mom would let us.

I'm so glad my dad is happy to see us and we may be spending the whole summer to get to know him. I have a feeling things are going to go great and we're going to have our dad back in our lives.

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