Chapter 4:The found letters

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So sorry my chapters are short but after this chapter I don't think i will continue to write this book unless i get some feed back on it. Please if you like the story and you want me to continue then it's really important that you let me know!! Comments and Votes would be nice!

It's been a week since my mom said no and i haven't really tried to talk to her because she still seems pretty upset.

I really want to go find my dad but i know my brothers and my sister won't go against my mother's wishes which makes it really hard.

I found out that my dad lives in New York which is that far away from us. Maybe and hour tops to get there. I also found the apartment and room number he lives in.

He remarried and now has a five year old daughter named Ashley. I'm kind of worried that he won't want anything to do with me and my family now that he's started a whole new one but i really just need to find out.

So i decided to talk to my siblings and Matt and Jenny said the only way they would go is if i could somehow convince my mom, but john on the other hand agreed to sneak off with me so we could find my father.

This is something important to us and i just don't understand how my mother can be so selfish about this. I'm going to try to talk to her one last time and if she says no then i'm just going to have to take matters into my own hands.

me: Mother can you just hear me out for one second?

mom: If this is about your deadbeat dad then no.

me: But mom i really need closure.

mom: He left us. If he wanted anything to do with you guys then he would have atleast called but he didn't so drop it.

me: Why don't you put yourself in our shoes.

mom: I don't want to hear anymore of this nonsense so like i said and only say it this one last time drop it.

me: Please mom.

mom: No i said. Now i need you to go to the grocery store and pick up a few things for dinner. The moneys is upstairs in my room and in my purse.

me: Whatever.

mom: Knock it off with the attitude.

While i was in my mothers room looking for my mom's purse which i couldn't find, i stumbled across a box full of letters.

I wasn't paying any attention to them until i saw the name and adress and realized that they were letters from my dad.

I quickly ran into Matt's room and texted John and Jenny to come to Matt's room so i could show them what i had just found.

They were all suprised to see the letters and one by one we started opening and reading the letters.

My mother walked in on the middle of us.

mom: I cant believe you found those.

matt: All this time i hated dad for not calling or sending us letters or anything and the whole time he was. You were just hiding them. How could you do this to us?

mom: I'm sorry but..

Jenny: I don't want to hear what you have to say. I may be young but i'm old enough to know i needed a father this whole time and i thought the one i had didn't want anything to do with me so i hated him. How could you let us think our own father didn't wnat anything to do with us?

mom: I..I don't know. I'm sorry.

me: Sorry isn't going to cut it. We're going to dad's rather you like it or not.

mom: No your not.

John: After you kept all this from us i think we atleast deserve to go see him.

mom: You guys are all i have. You cant leave me.

me: We'll be back but at right now i'm not even sure i want to come back.

Jenny: Well i'm not coming back if dad says i can stay with him.

mom: Fine you guys can go but please come back. I'm really sorry for this and i'll go to the store myself and get dinner.

I felt bad for my mom because she was crying and i could tell a part of her really was sorry but that still doesn't make it okay. I mean really. How could she keep something like that from us? 

On a mission to find our dadWhere stories live. Discover now