Chapter 8: The chat with Christine

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I had barely slept the whole night. I couldn't believe Christine's attitude. How could she accuse my siblings and I only being here for our father's money. She's obviously the one after his money. She seemed nice, but there was that weird feeling I had about her! How could I possibly be so stupid to think that a woman who steals another woman's husband and goes along with the fact of him leaving his kids could be nice? I feel so stupid now! What a witch!!

I atleast waited until eight in the morning to run upstairs and wake my brothers and sisters. I woke the boys first because I did not want to deal with Jenny's attitude without Matt or Jon being around. I knew Matt would put her in check.

Matt: What's going on? What are you waking us up for?

Me: It's eight in the morning. You should be up anyway. I have some really disturbing news to share with everyone.

Jon: So where is Jenny?

Me: I haven't waken her yet. You know she doesn't like me so I need you guys to be there with me.

Matt: Alright lets go.

As soon as we walked out of the boys' bedroom, there was my dad standing in the hallway looking like a zombie. It was obvious he was just waking up to get ready for work. I so did not want him to leave this morning because I didn't want to have to talk to Christine's crazy ass. I could tell my dad what she had said to me but I don't know if he would believe me or not and I didn't want to say anything without talking to my siblings first.

Dad: What are you all doing up so early? I was going to wake Christine and have her make breakfast for you guys then wake you. Is everything okay?

Me: Everything is fine. We didn't want to sleep the day away. We thought it would be rude so we were going to get up before everybody. We were actually going to make you guys breakfast for being so nice and letting us stay for the summer.

Matt and Jon: We were?

Dad: You were?

I poked my brothers both in the side and winked at them so they knew to play along with what I was saying and they both gave me a half smile and got it.

Dad: You don't have to do that for us. We appreciate the thought but your the guests and its a gift to me that you all are actually going to stay the summer here with me. Dad smiled and walked us down the stairs and put a movie in for us.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Dad seemed to happy to have us here and Christine wants to ruin all that because she thinks we're after his money. I need to let my siblings whats going on but I don't want my dad wondering why we were all going up to Jenny's room.

About half way into our movie, dad went upstairs to go get a shower so my brothers and I seen that as the perfect time to go wake Jenny so I could let everyone know what was going on. Before we even got to the steps, Christine came towards us with an evil look plastered on her face.

Christine: Did you tell your brothers and sister anything?

Me: No. I didn't really get a chance to.

I had such an attitude and my brothers had a look of confusion on their faces. They could obviously tell something was wrong between Christine and I.

Jon: What's going on here?

Christine: Wheres your smart mouth sister at?

Matt: Hold on. I know Jenny can be a bit bratty at times but I will not allow you to disrespect her like that.

Christine: Oh you mean the way she disrespected my daughter the other day at the restaurant? What I said is nice compared to what she did.

Matt: Is that what this is about.

Christine: I'm still pissed about that and believe me I wanted to rip that girls hair out of her head but no this is completely different.

Jon: So what's this about.

Christine: We'll talk once your dad leaves for work.

Dad came down the steps and Christine quickly placed herself in the kitchen to get breakfast started. Jon and Matt both ran towards my dad with anger on their faces.

Jon: Your wife is  a physco bitch!

Dad: Excuse me? How dare you speak of Christine that way. What is wrong with you?

Christine: How am I..I don't even want to say those words. Look babe, I asked them to go wake Jenny so she could be down here before breakfast got done and they told me after the movie was over that they would. I kindly explained that the remote had a pause botton and that the movie would still be there once they got back. They all had an attitude and called me lazy so I let them know that they would respect me when they were in my house. They then had the nerve to bring up the past and call me a homewrecking whore.

Me: Omg she's lying!

Christine: I'm so hurt right now. I'm sorry that you guys hate me because you think I'm the reason your father left but I'm not sorry because I got a beautiful daughter out of all this and a wonderful husband who is a great father.

Matt: You should be a fucking actress.

Dad: All three of you need to get to your rooms now. I will not allow this disrespect in my home. I am so happy you all are here but if your going to try and hurt my wife then you will be asked to leave. Now go wake your sister for breakfast. She will be the only one eating this morning.

Jon: You believe her over us? Wow. You haven't changed at all have you!

Dad. Go to your room now.

Me: She's lying dad. She thinks we're here for your money and she wants us gone.

Christine: That's not true.

Matt: Whatever we will be gone before you get home from work.

Dad: I don't want you all to leave.

Me: And we don't want to leave but it's clear you don't believe us.

And with that we all went upstairs to wake Jenny. Jenny was already up though when we went in the room.

Jenny: I heard everything and I'm ready to go. I knew this was a bad idea. Why do you think I've had such a terrible attitude towards them. By the way that little girl does not belong to our dead beat father.

Me Jon and Matt: What?

Me: She looks just like him.

Jenny: I'll prove it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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