Chapter Eleven

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Third Person's POV

After Thranduil helped Legolas back to his room, he went back to Melaina's room. There, the proud king watched his daughter. Eventually, after night had fallen, Thranduil commanded Elronis to go get some sleep and told him that he would watch Melaina. At first, Elronis refused. He wanted to stay by Melaina, but Thranduil eventually changed his mind and he left.

Thranduil watched Melaina closely as he considered what had happened. Something started to change in him. He felt something strange as if a presence had appeared inside his head. Suddenly, he began hearing things.

Thranduil! For a moment, he shook his head thinking that he was imagining it.

My dear Thranduil. He heard it again!

Listen to me! You know who I am. Then, he realized what voice he was hearing. It was Elodiel, his diceased wife! She had died after giving birth to Melaina and because of that, Thranduil hated Melaina. He blamed her for his wife's death. He could barely stand the sight of her because it caused him to think of his wife.

Don't you ignore me!

"Elodiel?" Even though he knew that Elodiel wasn't really there, he looked around.

Yes, dear Thrandy! It is I, Elodiel. I only have a small ammount of time so please let me be quick.

"B...but...why have you come to me only now? I...I miss you desperatly, dear!" Thranduil whispered.

I know, sweetheart! I miss you too, but I need you to listen. I have come to speak to you about Melaina. She has been through much horror and pain. Please! I beg of you, forgive her! She does not deserve your hate! What happened to me was not her fault. It was time for me to go.

"I can't, Elodiel. If she had never been born, then you would still be alive! I cannot just forget that!"

No! No, Thranduil! It was my time to go either way! Even if I had not given birth I would have died. Melaina is my last gift to you! Please, treasure her. Instead of being a reminder of pain, let her be a reminder of my love for you that will never end.

Thranduil thought for a moment about what his wife had said. "I...never thought about it that way." he spoke slowly. "Oh, Melaina. How I have wronged you! Thank you, my dear sweet Elodiel! I see now what I have done! Thank you so much for helping me see clearly."

Goodbye, dear. I will see you again, fear not. Thranduil smiled a genuine smile. Instantly, Thranduil no longer felt the presence of his wife. She was gone, but he did not weep, he rejoiced. For the first time since his wife had past away, Thranduil finally understood. Elodiel could have died before Melaina was born, but instead, she left after Melaina came. Melaina was there instead of Elodiel. How foolish I have been! He thought.

About an hour later, Melaina stirred. It was the middle of the night and only Thranduil sat in the room. Slowly, Melaina groaned. She started to toss and turn from the instant pain that she felt when she woke up, but Thranduil swiftly stood up and stopped her.

"Melaina, it's okay. I'm here. Just calm down." Thranduil turned his head towards the door, "Guard! Please come here!" Right away, a guard entered the room and bowed. "Please go fetch one of the healers to come. She needs more herbs applied. Thank you." The guard nodded his head and went to obey the king.

Thranduil turned back to Melaina. She had stopped thrashing and was now becoming more awake. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Thranduil.

"Ada? Wha...where am I?" she asked weakly.

"You are safe. Legolas and Elronis went to Dol Guldor and rescued you. You are back in Mirkwood."

"Why are you here?" she looked at him suspiciously.

Thranduil was surprised at this statement. "I...I...wanted to watch over you, my dear. I must confess, I have treated you terribly all your life and I never once treated you like I should have. I know that you may never forgive me, and I understand that, but I just want to say that I am so very deeply sorry, Melaina, for all that I have wronged you. I have been a terrible father and a terrible king. Please...would you ever forgive me?" Silent tears started flowing down Thranduil's cheeks.

Melaina just stared at him. " Ada!" she started crying, "I love you so much and of course I forgive you!"

Thranduil leaned down and gently kissed his daughter's cheek. "I love you so much my sweet Melaina! Thank you! You have set me free! I should have cared for you more!"

"Adar, all is forgiven." she smiled amidst her tears. Very tenderly, Thranduil wiped Melaina's tears.

As they talked, Elronis walked in. He stopped when he saw Melaina and Thranduil. Slowly he looked from Melaina to Thranduil and back to Melaina. "I...What happened?" he walked over to Melaina and held her hand tenderly.

"Don't worry about it, Elronis. All you need to know is that all is well." Melaina smiled sweetly at him. Elronis seemed to understand and didn't press anymore. Next, the door opened once again, and a healer entered. She tended to Melaina's wounds, and then left saying that she would be back later to check on Melaina and change her bandages.

Again, the door opened after they had been talking for a while, and Legolas limped in. His eyes lit up when he saw the scene. At first, he looked questionably at Thranduil, but a reassuring smile from Melaina put him at ease.

"Melaina, I am so glad you are safe."

"Thank you, Legolas! I must thank you for saving me! Ada told me that you were hurt when you were saving me. Are you feelng better?"

"Yes. I am feeling much better but let us not talk about me. How are you feeling, dear sister?"

"Much better." Melaina smiled again.

"I apologize for interrupting, but I must tell Melaina and Elronis something." Thranduil cleared his throat. "Elronis, I give you my consent and blessing to marry my daughter." Everyone stared at the king, awestruck.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you, your majesty!" Elronis smiled and turned to Melaina, slowly, he got down on one knee. "My dear Melaina, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Thranduil helped Melaina sit up higher as she smiled. "Elronis, I would love to marry you!"

Yay! I hoped you liked it! This was a fun chapter to write! So happy and exciting! I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote, comment, and follow if you liked it!:)


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