Chapter Six

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Melaina's POV

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was greeted with an ugly face. It was Azog. "Good morning...princess." he spat out the last word as if it was poison in his veins. "How did you sleep? Are you hanging in there?" He grinned. Ignoring him, I looked around. I was back in my cell, but not chained up. Azog was standing over me and we were alone. The bleak walls of my prison seemed to close in on me as Azog towered over me.

Suddenly, stepping on my ankle, Azog brought me back to my senses. Screaming I struggled to get his foot off me. "Please!!" I cried.

He took his foot off, "Maybe that will teach you to finally answer me when I talk to you. Now, all I have for you is a simple question, where is the secret entrance into the Mirkwood palace?"

Grunting as I tried to sit up against the cold stone wall, I answered, "I have told you over and over again, Azog, I will never tell you anything. My brother is coming for me, and when he does he will kill you. You and all our filthy orcs!" Oh boy, was I going to get punished. I thought.

Slowly, Azog bent down to my level and smiled, "Have it your way, girl, but you will regret it. No one is coming for you, and you are never getting out of here!" He walked out of the room and slammed the door closed.

When I was sure that he was gone, I stood up. Finally, I wasn't chained and I had a chance to escape! I looked around the room, searching for something to help me escape. The cell was completely empty. There was nothing in it. Except for me. There wasn't even a window in the room. I was not going to escape any time soon.

Sorry that this is so short, y'all. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going to take this story. Hopefully I will be able to write some longer chapters soon! Thanks for your patience!


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