3: Unplanned Bonding

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Hey journal...
I'm at my locker writing this so I'll keep it short. Today can be sumarized in one word: BORING! I can't believe how lame this day is. At least at Empire Academy we had horseback class or there was the occasional food fight to look forward to. Then again, food fights were super rare at a prestigous school like that. I don't think this place has horseback either, which is a shame since Imma miss good ol' Failed Abortus. Anyways, Imma have to go, it's lunch time. I heard they actually have real burgers and stuff here, unlike those salads and vegan meat or whatever they call it in Empire City. Can't wait to see the variety.
XOXO, Spinel
* * * *

Spinel put away her books and looked at her phone, and unforunately it was nowhere close to being the end of the day. Great, she was stuck here for another couple hours. Thankfully lunch would pass some sort of time, and if she's being honest, it'll probably be the best class of the day - That is, if lunch even counted as it's own class.

While heading to the cafeteria, she made some observations on the kids here: They were way less fancy and privileged than her old classmates. They weren't afraid to be themselves and seemed a bit happier. The teachers were less strict and although she could tell some of them wanted to murder that one kid in class, they at least gave chances. Unlike Empire Academy, where your parents would get called and kids would make fun of you for getting in trouble. And that was another thing. Everyone was much nicer.

Steven would be a prime example of that. Automatically giving a welcoming greeting was something no one did at her old school. Here, a friend was a friend. It was rarely considered "a real friend" thing at EA. Everyone who you thought were your friends? Turned out to be spawns of Satan.

"I guess this school year won't be so bad," Spinel told herself, entering what she thought was a food heaven (of course, it couldn't compare to Sarah's cooking). It didn't have a glass chandelier or golden tiles, but it seemed more free. Plus you actually had a good variety; all types of milk, water, different kinds of juice, and for the main course was chicken alfredo, cooked brocolli, and mashed potatoes with gravy. It was filled with the fat Empire Academy couldn't provide, and that's what made it awesome. Choosing that good old chocolate milk (when was the last time she had that?), Spinel planned on going to a table on her own, so that way she can eat in peace.

However once she was halfway there, she was called to by the boy she'll get chlymadia from later. "Hey Spinel, I need you for a sec." Steven called once she passed his table. So much for eating alone. With him was the bluette, the blonde, and another African-American, only she had a more athletic tone than the one in the picture on Steven's Instagram post. Where was she anyways? Better she wasn't here. Somehow Spinel knew they wouldn't get along.

"Hey Steven is it?" Spinel said as she took a seat beside him.

"Aw, you remembered. Everyone, this is Spinel, the new girl."Steven introduced, Spinel being greeted with 'heys' and 'hellos' from the other three. "And Spinel, this is Peridot (the blonde), Lapis (the bluette) and the best craft maker you'll ever meet, Bismuth (the athletic one)."

"So you're the famous new girl? People have been talkin a lotta shit about you, literally," Lapis said casually. "Word gets around fast here."

So far she liked Steven's other friends. "I can tell. It goes even faster at Empire Academy."

"Hold on! You went to the best school in the state?! I heard you hadda pay big bucks to get there, why'd you move form my dream school?!" Peridot frantically shook her, and from the looks of it she was the nerd of the group. Perks for her, befriending this one would mean help with her homework.

"Calm down, Peridot. I'm sure the Academy isn't as great as everyone says, even for intellectuals like you," Bismuth added in.

"Still! Who would wanna move from THERE?! I wanted to go there, I had a good application too! But no, my parents decided to send me here with these lowlifes." She pouted, crossing her arms.

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