5: Lovestruck

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Saturday, September 16th,

Finally, Saturday has come at last and it's getting closer and closer to Tiffany's little party. I haven't really met her personally, but I'm hoping to by the end of next week. I don't really have any plans today, which is a bummer, TBH. I might just text Stevie (yes, I call him Stevie now~;) just to kill time. Speaking of, I've noticed how fit that guy is...just being around him makes me wanna feel and caress all of his biceps and abs...oh how badly I want to just massage him and his divine figure. It makes me hot just thinking about it.

I wonder he looks like shirtless...


* * * * *

"I bet he looks fine as hell without it." Spinel said to herself while picturing a shirtless Steven in her mind; Oh how great a sight that would be. This was much, much better than those anime guys the girls swoon over. Steven was a whole other level on his own. She can just picture it, a shirtless Steven, soaked in sweat from his workouts, his abs glistening from the shine. And he comes near her, allowing her to lightly touch his toned arm, her heart beating fast as he leans over her, face just inches away from hers, and then-

'I'm definitely getting too horny with this whole scenario-' She sadly knew that was just a figment of her imagination. 'But it he wanted to do that to me, I sure wouldn't complain~'

Yup. Definitely horny.

Spinel sighed dreamily. It still wouldn't hurt if he just let her feel on him. Actually, now that she thinks about it, fit guys was one of her ideal traits. A kink, if you will. That and being handled roughly...

She took out her phone, grinning as she got onto Steven's contacts, to which she named Papi Chulo.

(Papi Chulo = Pimp Daddy in Spanish)

Spins~: *Hey Steven*

She waited patiently for his reply.

Papi Chulo: *Hi Spinel 😄*

He sent a smiley face! That's a good sign, right? Spinel giggled and thought of a flirty reply.

Spins~: *I take it you're glad to hear from me, huh~? 😏*

Papi Chulo: *You can say that 😂*

Spins~:*So whaccha doin?*

Papi Chulo: *Gettin' ready to leave and head 2 the Arcade with my sis*

Spins~: *Oof I'm stuck here for the rest of the day 😪*

Actually, she had the choice to leave and hang out with Sarah. Really she just hoped Steven would take a hint and ask Spinel if she wanted to go with him.

Papi Chulo: *Sucks.*

Papi Chulo: *Wanna come with us? 🤔*

Oh, so he wasn't slow after all!

Spins~:*Ya sure ya sis won't mind? 👉👈*

Papi Chulo: *Of course she'll be fine with it. I'll come pick u up*

Spins~:*Alright, I'll be ready in an hour 😘*

Sure, she knew Steven couldn't possibly say no to his new best friend. But it still made her heart flutter to know he would enjoy her company. And hey, she'll get to meet his sister- whoever that may be. Really, she could imagine if she looked just as hot as her brother. Was she a goth like Spinel? Or was she a Mary Sue like that Connie Steven loved so much?

💘💞Love Nector~💗💓 (Human Yandere Spinel x Steven)Where stories live. Discover now