4: Not a Crush...Right?

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Wednesday, September 13th
Well, you can detention/ISS was decent for a school on a low budget. I felt a bit bad Steven was in there with me even though he didn't do anything wrong. He isn't like the people at Empire Academy, where if they get in trouble they'd do their hardest to get someone else in trouble. It's more of a "If I'm going down, you're all going down with me" thing to them. Steven? He didn't have to do what he did. Why DID he do that anyways? It was a stupid move, that's for sure. Fuck you, Holly.                                                                                                                                                  
Anyhow, ,about ISS...all we had to do was sit there for a whole hour. Once the teacher left, I tried to strike up convo with the cutie next to me. I never noticed it til now but he has he cutest smile ever.  Seriously. And he didn't seem bothered to be in detention with me.                                       
If being in ISS is supposed to be punishment, chain me to the wall~!
* * * * *
After ISS was over, Spinel and Steven were sent home. They had a small talk while Spinel was making a Karen impression of Holly Blue, which was actually painfully accurate. Turns out that guy wasn't as bad as she thought he was. Though she still thought he was a dumbass for telling Holly it was his cigarette when it really wasn't, she caught herself taking a liking to him and his little clique. Actually she almost brought up Connie, but that was for another time.

Eventually they parted ways (but not before Steven offering to walk her home, which she declined for some reason) and all the while Spinel was heading back to the enormous mansion, she kept thinking about Steven and how he was strangely nice to her despite her being a complete asshole to him. Oh right, he's just a nice guy. That's a first.

"Sweetface, there ya are!" Sarah called as soon as Spinel walked in through the door. She was polishing off one of her trophies. "I was thinking you'd never show up."

She snapped out of her thoughts as she threw her backpack to the ground. "Oh, yeah. I got held up."

"Detention, I suppose?"

'Aw shit...'

"She actually called you?"

"Well duh. It's the first day of school, how the heck did you get detention? And what made you decide to smoke on school grounds? If you're gonna do that, do it where people aren't watching!" Sarah advised sternly. "And I hope ya know smoking isn't good for ya, sweetpea."

'When the cool Grandma Sarah comes back, give me a call.'

Spinel rolled her eyes as she got onto the luxurious couch and changed the channel. "It won't kill me."

"It won't kill you? Sweetpea, a lot of people have died because of smoking. You could get cancer or worse. As a matter of fact one of my closest friends died because of it, and they were only 23. You're all I got, I don't needa lose you too."

"Alright, alright, I'll be careful next time." She brushed off, still flipping channels.

Sarah put down the trophy and crossed her arms at her granddaughter. "You do know you won't go unpunished right?"

That brought some attention. Confused, Spinel asked, "What? I just got detention!"

"Yeah, you can forget about us going paragliding too."


'You son of a bitch-'

"Oh come on! You promised!" Spinel whined. Sarah smirked at the reaction. It was humorous in her eyes. "That's criminal! That should be illegal!"

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