6: Stairwell to Hell

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Mwah, I have returned~! And with an update OwO

Everyone took their seats in a circle on the floor, the pattern being Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl. Spinel had managed to squeeze a spot beside Steven: Unfortunately, so did Tiffany. She was holding his arm and leaning on him, giving him the best puppy eyes her big blue eyes could muster. While he did seem a little uncomfortable, he didn't necessarily fight back. Spinel holds herself from jumping across and slapping the fake tan off of her.

Tiffany pops a purple succer in her mouth and says, "Ok you squares, you know the rules. For every Truth Or Dare you refuse to answer, you gotta drink a shot. There's no backing out. We're going all or nothing tonight, so go crazy~" She flutters her eyes at an oblivious Steven. She already knew what she wanted tonight. "Questions? No? Alright, I call dibs on spinnin'."

Spinel watched eagerly as it spun, hoping it would land on her so she could be dared to kiss Steven. Even though that was a slim chance, she still prayed that it would happen.

Unfortunately, it didn't, as expected.

Instead, it landed on a boy next to her, who had shaggy dirty blonde hair and freckles cutely littered his face. Tiffany purred. "Oh~ Conrad! Truth or dare?"

Conrad removed a bang from his face. "Dare, I ain't a pussy."

"Ok then," Tiffany begins. "I dare you to kiss one of the girls beside you."

That narrowed it down to Spinel and a redhead wearing a Dallas Cowboys cap. Conrad looks at her, smiling flirtatiously. He was cute, that he was, but he was no Steven. Her lips were for Steven and Steven only, no matter how cute this boy was. He must've noticed her 'Uh, pass' reaction, since he soon turned to the redhead and gave her a kiss instead. Some people clapped for them, and one even made a remark about them 'getting it on'. That person got slapped in the arm by the redhead.

Conrad spins the bottle once more and Spinel rests her head comfortably on Steven's shoulder. This party was a lot more boring than she anticipated.

The game went on and on. The dares ranged from making out to doing weird dances, whilst the truths went from "Who do you have a crush on in this group?" to "What's your deepest secret?". Spinel had been chosen for a truth, but that was about it. She would think a popular cheerleader like Tiffany could spicen something like this up.

'Bet Sarah coulda been more entertaining playing Bingo...' She yawns, not noticing the bottle had pointed towards Tiffany. The blonde bit her lip.

"Tiff, Truth or-"

"Dare." She says immediately, leaning forward eagerly.

"Hmmm..." her darer tapped their chin in thought. "I dare you...to French someone in this circle!"

Then, as if she'd been waiting for that dare her entire life, she leaped to her victim, shoving her tongue down his throat.

Spinel clenched her fists tightly, her skin paling.


Steven himself was taken back himself, not expecting the move. Tiffany was giving her all for this, and that's what pissed Spinel off. She tries hiding her fury by drinking from her punch cup, but even then she couldn't cool down. Steven was hers, not that bleached-haired cheerleader's, and she needed a way to let them know that..

"Tiffany, I think that's enough-" Connie intervenes. Tiffany lets go, licking her lips again.

"Thanks Ronnie, I felt like I was gonna straight out puke," Spinel fake gags. However, while that statement was true, she left out the fact she wanted to shove a torch down Tiffany's throat. But she was a good girl, she'd never say such a thing.

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