Chapter 22: Apologies

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Darksield POV

Darksield took his spot at the table and sat down with his lunch. He had just finished a long boring history lesson with Cyril, and he wasn't in the best mood. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop himself from smiling when Cynder, Spyro, Flame, and the others came over and sat down with him. He had separate classes, so he was with Spyro, Ivy, Streak, and Marsh one class, and Cynder, Flare, and Flame in the other.

"So, guys, did you hear the news?" Streak asked.

"You mean the news about the dance coming up next week?" Flare asked.

"Yeah," Ivy agreed. "It's supposed to be epic."

Darksield nearly choked on his drink. A dragon dance? Now he's heard everything.

"So, Flame, who are you going with?" Marsh asked.

Flame sighed. "I want to go with Ember, but she'll probably turn me down."

Darksield raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And how sure are you?"

Flame stared at him. "What do you mean?"

Before Darksield could respond, he noticed Ember walking toward them with a tray of food in her claws.

Cynder noticed, too. "Oh great," she growled.

Ember stopped several feet away from their table. "Hey guys." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Cynder, Flame, I'm sorry for how I was treating you all year; neither of you deserved it."

Cynder and Flame looked shocked.

Ember continued. "So yeah, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" Her voice had a note of pleading in it along with a hint of fear.

Cynder and Flame glanced at each other like they thought they were dreaming. Then they looked toward Spyro.

He shrugged.

"Yeah Ember," Cynder said cautiously. "We forgive you."

Ember smiled. "Thanks guys." She hurried off.

Cynder POV

Cynder and everyone else looked shocked.

"What just happened?" Flame asked.

Streak shook his head. "That's what I was trying to tell you. Last night, I heard screaming, and when I ran out to check, I saw that a note had been stuck to Ember's door by a dagger. The note was from somebody named Mortifer, and it warned her to be nicer to Cynder and Flame or else she would die. Apparently, Mortifer has been around for a long time. Even Terrador looked scared."

Cynder, Flame, and everyone else stared.

Then Sparx flew over. "What kind of a psycho would do something like that?"

"Who're you calling psycho?"

Everyone spun around.

Against the wall was the shadow of a hooded figure. The figure had two dagger-shaped shadows, one in each hand, and was wearing a hooded cloak.

Cynder glanced toward Darksield, wondering if it was his doing, but he looked plenty scared to her.

"Are you Mortifer?" Ivy asked nervously.

The shadow dipped his head. "I am," it replied in a whispery voice. "And I gave little miss Ember a warning that she had better behave better toward you guys, or else there would be consequences. I would recommend that you give her a chance, or else she won't be the only one I'm after." The figure disappeared.

Everyone sat in silence for a long moment. "Well, that just happened." Darksield said out of the blue. "So, what do we do now?"

Flare shuddered. "I think we should listen to what that Mortifer guy said and give Ember a chance to prove herself."

Everyone else nodded frantically.

Then the bell rang, making everyone jump.

"Well, I need to head to class," Streak said. "See you all later." He ran off, followed by Flare, Marsh, and Ivy. Cynder and the others followed, Sparx hovering next to Spyro.

"So, who do you think that wacko is?" Sparx asked.

"Hey, who're you calling wacko, Sparx?" Darksield snapped.

Everyone stopped.

"Wait a minute, you're Mortifer?" Flame asked.

Darksield nodded.

"But you don't look like Mortifer," Sparx objected.

Darksield wriggled his talons. "Shadow powers, remember?"

Cynder facepalmed. "I'm such an idiot," she growled. "I should have known."

Darksield shrugged. "Don't beat yourself up about it."

"But wait a minute," Spyro protested. "Streak said that Mortifer was around when Terrador was young. How could you be him?"

Darksield laughed. "I'll let you guys put this one together."

Cynder's eyes widened as the pieces flew together in her mind. "I get it," she said slowly. "You went to the guardians and came up with a believable background for this guy so that no one would get suspicious of the rest of us. But I don't get how you could have written the note."

Darksield flicked his claws. "I used these, and I bought the dagger from the blacksmith. Mortifer was a cool name I used to use whenever I told scary stories." He grinned. "Like this one." He turned toward Sparx. "You know Sparx, you might want to heed my warning as well. I have extra daggers to spare."

Sparx yelped and flew off down the corridor.

Darksield POV

Darksield grinned. "That was fun." Then he turned toward Flame. "You know, I think Ember might give you a chance now if you ask her out to the dance."

Flame's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

Darksield nodded. "Go get her, Flame."

Flame took off down the corridor in the direction of Ember's room.

Darksield grinned and turned around. "Come on guys," he called. "Let's go let Terrador know that Flame will be a little late to class." He jogged off down the corridor, an idea forming in his head. He might just have an idea to help Flame out. 

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