Chapter 37: He's Back

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Wraith POV

Wraith waited, and sure enough, Marsh, Streak, and Flare reacted with the now expected shout of "Ape!" and an elemental attack. Even in his weakened state, he managed to dodge the onslaught.

"Seriously?" he asked. "Why is it that everyone thinks I'm an ape?" Then he turned his attention back to Cynder, who had a look of shock on her face. He grinned at her. "Seriously, though, you guys are acting like someone died."

"Wraith!" Flame, Spyro, and Cynder shouted. Cynder jumped at him and enveloped him in a massive hug. "How are you still alive?" she cried.

"Yeah," Flame agreed. "How did you survive that explosion?"

Wraith patted Cynder on the back. "It's alright," he whispered to her. "I'm okay." He let go and turned his attention to Flame.

"Simply put, my power somehow acted on its own and teleported me out of there before the explosion hit. Next thing I know, I'm waking up upside down in a tree, and my shirt is on fire." He paused for laughter, then continued.

"After I had recovered enough, I guessed that Spyro would have brought you here since you were unconscious, and it turns out that I was right."

Then he faced Flare, Streak, and Marsh who were all still glaring at him with suspicion. "And by the way, I'm not an ape. You may know me better, however—" He turned into his dragon form and opened his eyes, eliciting a series of gasps. "—as Darksield." Then he went back to regular form.

Streak, Flare, and Marsh all had a look of shock on their faces. "You're Darksield?" Marsh asked.

Wraith nodded. "Tell you what... after we go outside and see if anyone needs our help, I will explain how I came into this world, and, yes, I'm from another world. Sound good?"

Two Hours Later

Wraith sat down on one of the empty beds, Cynder sitting beside him. "It all started when I ran away...."

Another Two Hours Later

Once he had caught them up to the point where he had passed out after they had attacked him in their dragon forms, he realized that he needed to let the other Dragon Blades know that he was alright and that Malefor was no more.

"Shoot!" he cursed, causing everyone to jump. "I forgot to do something. Don't worry; I'll be right back." He stood to go.

Cynder stood with him. "You can't leave!" she protested. "You just got back, and I don't want to lose you again!" She stopped herself and looked down at her claws, blushing furiously.

He stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Cynder," he said gently, "don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Speaking of which..." He turned toward Streak. "Got any red crystals?"

Streak nodded and pulled out a cluster from a barrel near the wall. He handed the crystals to Wraith, and Wraith absorbed them, his wounds healing. He sighed.

"Much better." Then he turned back toward Cynder. "As I said... don't worry, Cynder; I'll be back real soon. In fact, by the time you guys manage to walk to the gates of Warfang, I will be there." He grinned.

Cynder sighed. "Fine. But we're going to beat you there."

Wraith grinned. "Don't count on it." He drew on his power and teleported to the rendezvous point where the Dragon Blades were. It was high time he introduced the Dragon Blades to the rest of the world.

Cynder POV

Cynder and the others ran through the streets of Warfang and were roughly three blocks away when horns sounded.

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