Chapter 39: Celebration

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Darksield POV

Darksield paced inside his room as he waited for the celebration to begin. He had had a tiring day. He had to explain to the guardians, in his Dragon Blade persona, that he had decided to send most of his troops home when they had demanded to know why all the Dragon Blades outside the city had disappeared while the rest were helping him set up for the celebration. On top of that, he had seen Flame and Ember walking down the street and acting so sappy that he nearly hurled in a garbage can.

Now, that same feeling was coming over him, a feeling with which he wasn't that familiar: nervousness. He had tried talking to himself to ease his nerves, but he was still anxious about the celebration. Stop it, he told himself. Just go up there, sing with Cynder, and wing it from there.

He squared his shoulders. It was time. He marched out of his room and walked over to Cynder's room. He knocked.

Cynder POV

It was almost seven, and there was no sign of Darksield. Cynder was beginning to think that he wouldn't come when someone knocked on her door. She opened it. Darksield stood in the doorway, his black scales seeming to be more reflective than usual.

He grinned at her. "Am I late?"

She shook her head. "No. For once, you were on time."

He stared at her, outraged. "Since when was I late?"

She laughed and elbowed him in the ribs as she walked pass him. "I'm joking. Come on." She led the way down the hall and flew out one of the open windows, Darksield right behind her.

Darksield POV

Darksield glanced at Cynder for what seemed like the fifth time that night as they walked through the crowded streets. Dragons, cheetahs, and moles were everywhere, and they were all celebrating in their own ways. There was an archery contest, a dragon racing contest, and even a mole forging contest.

Through it all, Darksield only paid attention to two things: Cynder and what song they were going to sing. He had an idea, but he wasn't sure if Cynder would like it.

"Hey, Cynder?" She turned her head. "Yes?"

He hesitated briefly before saying, "I think I might have an idea for our song." He told her the lyrics.

She pondered it for a long time as they headed toward the park where the contest was going to be held. "I think it's a good song," she said hesitantly. "But we haven't practiced it."

Darksield grinned. "And that is the beauty of winging it."

She laughed. Just as they were about to continue their conversation, Darksield spotted Spyro and Crystal walking toward them.

"Hey, guys," Spyro waved.

Darksield felt like an idiot and glanced toward Cynder. Her face was calm, and he couldn't tell what she was feeling. He waved back at Spyro. "Hey, so what are you guys doing here?"

Crystal laughed. "Isn't it obvious? We're here to participate in the singing contest."

Suddenly, Spyro peered closer and realized something. "Wait a minute. Darksield, you were planning to ask out Cynder?"

Cynder POV

Cynder stared at Spyro for a long moment before glancing at Darksield, who looked like he wished he were invisible. He had been planning to ask her? She had thought that it had been spur-of-the-moment.

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