Epilogue •The after•

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Charis's POV
⚠ Mature scene ahead. I put a page break in between if you want to skip it.

Pennyroyal frolicked under the wallow breeze. Rays of sunlight poured on earth, becoming flecks under the verdurous canopy of leaves. The scent of pine mixed with a peculiar smell of dewy silt roamed. Rippling sound of a stream faded as Ash started mumbling and chewing on his toy. I brought him to my lap, not before attacking his cheeks with kisses.

"Your daddy is busy, isn't he?" I muttered, looking towards Alfie who stood at the gate. He was mending the fence, stopping only to send the commander off.

Xax waved at us then disappeared in the distance. She visited this time after getting news of Ash a few months back. Up to this day, she still worked with FOS, an insider for HEROINE. However, she didn't curate any plan yet. For now, it was a matter of investigating them, she said.

A year had passed since our escape from the Capital. The forest had become our sanctuary.

Meeting my gaze, Alfie flashed his cheeky smile. He put down the pillar in his hand and started to me. "Charis, why don't we go somewhere tonight?"

I smiled back, meandering interest. "To where? How about Ash?"

Alfie wiped his hands on his shirt before reaching for Ash. The mini version of him snuggled instantly. "Somewhere I can't tell you yet. Ma can take care of him. I miss us time. Don't you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Even after a year, I still couldn't hold back my blush; somehow, he never stopped making me love him even more. But I was reluctant. "I'm not sure..."

"You two should go." A voice said, its gentleness giving away Ember as the owner.

I tilted to my side, where she and July were grinning. July was once again wearing something unusual, this time a helm. She had been tinkering with things she found.

"We'll take care of him. I mean, how hard can it be, right Ember?" July shrugged, pinching Ash's cheek.

Ash's concentration veered from the touch. He stopped toying with his little hands and turned to July. A curious look took up his face.

July leaned slightly to Ember, whispering something the proximity didn't permit secrecy. "He's staring at me again."

"He's a baby. They do that," Ember replied awkwardly, narrowing her eyes to July before making a peek-a-boo for Ash.

Ash giggled, drooling heavily onto Alfie's arm. Ember was whom he liked most among the HEROINES, even over my mother. He stretched his hands to her.

"I can't hold you, sweetpum. I'm dirty." She showed her palms from all the gardening she'd done since morning.

"Are you sure? I don't want him to be a burden," I questioned, trying to convince myself with their offer.

The two nodded vehemently. "Yes, you guys go. We'll be okay."


Night came faster than I anticipated. Ash was still latching on me, mouth moving in a rhythm even after his eyes were already closed. I patted his bum gently, lulling a soft hum. Gradually his grip on my shirt loosened. His hand fell to his tummy, signalling his deep in sleep. Satisfied, he let go, lips puckering before I give him his pacifier. "Awww..." I cooed, staring at his calm face. Why was it so hard to part with him even though knowing I would be gone for just a while?

Alfie sat next to me. He caressed Ash's head. "I miss you. I know I sound childish, but I miss having you to myself." He pouted, moving his hand to my chin for a quick peck.

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