chapter 31

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Get the fuck away from her...

Jack stiffened hearing his voice and I felt relieved . But Jack didn't move away . His one hand was roaming in my bare stomach and while he has pinned my other hands . I struggled and tried to release my hand .

"I .said.get .the .fuck. Away.from.her" roared Xander's voice and Jack laughed like a maniac pushing his self from me and sitting besides. I still lay down 'Coz I felt numb and only the rugged breaths of Xander and Jack could heard in the room. None of them attempted to make a  move .

"Seems like lover boy has come to rescue. Huh..." Jack asked turning to my side and sliding his hand in my arms and I shivered in disgust.

" trying to hurt Rose is the worst mistake you ever did Jack.. " Xander said in an extremely calm voice which somehow managed to send chills.

"Oh... And for your information I didn't touch her I tried to rape her and God she is so..." Before Jack finishes his sentence a punch land on his face and he fell beside me. Before he react to the punch Xander started punching and kicking him until he felt satisfied . All the time jack never tried to fight back rather he had a smug smile on his face which made Xander more furious.

" Xander.. " I croaked and he crouched near me engulfing me in a tight hug.. It felt so good into be In his arms after so long but the relief remained only for a while.

"In sorry I'm sorry .... Did he hurt you ...." He was blabbing but my eyes were stuck on Jack holding a metal rod in his hand. Before I open my mouth it's too late..


He hit hard on Xander's head and he stumbled. He gripped his head while Jack dragged me and trapped under his hand . He was pointing a gun towards Xander and my heart started beating frantically...

What if he shot him???

I can lose him....

"Don't please don't shoot him..." I begged standing on holding the gun trying to pull it.

" who said that I'm gonna shoot him..I wanted to shoot you " he said venom dripping in his voice and Xander somehow managed to stand up.

"Leave her..Jack want me .." Xander said and gripped his head in pain. Tears started pooling in  my eyes looking at him so vulnerable but his eyes looked like he is ready to kill anyone who is in his ways .

" What I am going to do your little Rose " he said and nuzzled his nose in my neck . I shivered and his blood is soaking my torned shirt.

"Please leave me" I begged not having the energy to fight him . But he put his hand under my shirt and started moving it upwards letting out a disgusted moan..

"Please stop it..." Xander pleaded stepping towards me . The first time that I had seen Xander begging and the reason is me.

" Stop right there .. If you move I'll pull the trigger.. " he warned but he didn't stop . He looked in my eyes and many emotions went through it which I couldn't decipher.

Argggghh... I screamed when something sharp went through my shoulder and blood started oozing . This made Xander steps stop and I can sense that the bloody psychopath is smiling evily. My vision started blurring and I tried my hard  keep my eyes open.
Xander started backing and a sinister smile appeared on his face .

"Do whatever you want to do with her.." He said in almost calmly and my heart clenched.

Did he mean his words...

Doesn't he know how much his word hurt me ...

Why should he care..

No he came for me...

You are so naive...

"So you are okay if I killed her right now .." Jack sound that he couldn't believe what Xander said and I too felt hard to believe what he just said

"Of course .." With that he leisurely leaned on the wall as he is watching an interesting drama. His hypnotist gaze flicked upon me making many promises . His pleaded with his eyes and it made me more confused than I was. A long pregnant silence remained in the unoccupied room and No one didn't try to break it. The only thing that can be heard is my uneven heart beat.

Thup... Thup... Thup....

"Ok if you are saying then I'll pull the tri.." My heart stopped hearing his words but he didn't get a chance to finish the sentence or the pull the trigger.


I felt the floor slipping and I tripped and fell down hitting my head hard in the nearby table. my vision blurred and I could only see two silhouettes beating the shit out of jack. They landed punch after punches and blood started oozing from his body and still they didn't stop. My head started spinning and I just wanted to have a final look at Xander. I tried to call him but my throat felt dried like a dessert and he was busy beating him. I feared that he would kill him so I somehow managed to call him.

"Xander.." It almost came as a whisper but he heard. Though my blurred vision I can see Xander rushing towards me and crouching beside me. He pull my head near his chest hugging me tightly .

"It's okay I got you..." He whispered in my ears but I didn't believe. My eyes tried to close and I tried hard. I raised my hand and traced his cheek like I'm imprinting his face in my mind for the last time.

He held my hand in his large rough rough hands and warmth spread through out my body despite my condition.

"X_an_der " I tried to speak but he hushed me keeping his finger in my lips .

"Shsh  ... Baby don't .. You are safe and everything is fine " he whispered but it looked liked he is saying it to himself than me. A smile crept my face and I touched his cheek . His eyes locked mine and the only emotion that is visible in his eyes was



We sat in silence me in his embrace for some minutes like we memorizing each other's features for last time.  then suddenly a sharp pain shot through my head and a small scream left my mouth. Xander jerked looking at his hand.

Blood ...

His hand Is covered in blood most probably my blood.

"Xa_nder say _som_eth_ing be_au_tiful _for the la_st time" I whispered not able to find my voice and his grip on me tightened and his expression turned shock and he murmured something under his breath

"Where the hell is the ambulance" he yelled and hugged me tighter whispering soothing words .

"Don't talk you will be alright" he started saying the same thing again and again and this time I shut him by keeping my finger in his trembling lips. The look on his face said not to say anything but I'm stubborn and I needed to know one thing.

"Please .... Say something for the last time" I begged . Tears rolling from both of our eyes .

"Please...." I begged for one last time and the words  that left his mouth made me the happiest person in the world. It felt so right to die in his arms .

The arms of the one you loved..

"I LOVE YOU Rose....please " he begged and I smiled . Raising my head near his ears I whispered the thing that I always wanted to tell him.

"I love you too my dear husband .." With that I let my eyes close on their own 'Coz it couldn't keep open anymore and neither I wanted . Coz I heard the words that I wanted to hear so long and that also from the one I loved most in this world.

Please ... Don't leave me... I love you....

the last words I heard from his mouth before I succumbed myself to the darkness in his embrace.


I'm so sorry for updating late.

And I think you all are satisfied with this chapter which took me long to write .

So please do comment and vote.....

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