- foreword

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This is more of a warning than a foreword. 

So, Firstly I wrote this story when I was of age 12 under a different name in indiaforums. This is me copying the story from there to here. 

Secondly, it's unedited. So there will be several grammatical errors of the kind. Plus there are a lot of Hindi dialogues that haven't been translated.   

Thirdly, most importantly, the plot is....well to put it bluntly...very stupid. It's extremely cliche, not applicable in real-world and quite frankly terrible (remainder - age 12). But nonetheless, I'm very proud of myself to have sat down and completed something however the end outcome may have been. 

Why am I not editing it? 

As you are aware, the show ended ages ago and I stopped watching it back when adi came to stay in Bhalla house. So, I've lost in touch with the characters and the feel of the show. This year is an important year with regards to studies and I need to concentrate there. Also, I've grown up now and looking to move forward from writing fanfiction to an original story. 

The only reason I'm putting this story here is so that I can have all that I've written in a single place. 

Given said all that, I advise you to read this at your discretion. 

(Also usually, I'm always up for criticisms but here I would request to refrain from negative comments given the circumstances. It's simple - if you don't like it, don't read ahead.)

I'm posting all the chapters at once.

Thank you for coming if you're exiting this story. 

If you've decided to stick around, happy reading!!!



|| IshRa || Chaar Kadam ✔Where stories live. Discover now