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The whole of the Iyer family became alert. They ran to Mihika's room finding Mihika with her hands covered over her mouth. She was staring at her bed. Mr Iyer, Mrs Iyer, Vandu saw at the bed and were flabbergasted.

It was Raman, sleeping on the bed peacefully.

Mrs Iyer started "What is he doing here? Ayyo Murugan, ye phirse aati. Ishu bahut muskil se right huvi thi aur yeh "

Raman too got up because of the commotion. He was surrounded by all members of iyer house except ishu. They were staring him as though he was the extinct dinosaur or something. He wished "Good morning!"

Before Mrs Iyer could speak anything vandu took the situation in hand and asked: "What are you doing here Raman?"

"Actually I didn't find the guest room, this room was empty so I came here," Raman replied getting down from the bed.

Mrs Iyer started her rambling. She was continuously speaking in Tamil, she seemed to be scolding him. At a point where Mrs Iyer was shouting in top of the voice Ishu said "Enough Amma. You spoke too much. I don't know what you're talking about. Why are you backbiting him? I have brought him here for work. He is not going to become your damn son-in-law"

Everybody looked on to her. She recited them the story of Raman. She told them that he needed a job and she spoke "Appa please give him a job"

"You shall not get any job," Mrs Iyer yelled

"Madhu-" Mr. iyer started. Vandu, Ishu and mihika walked out of the room. Raman told the same words he told to vandu. He tried calming them. Luckily, Mr. iyer agreed to him. Mrs Iyer walked out of the room angrily followed by Mr Iyer. "No Vishwa. Don't give him a job. He just wants our ishu"

"No, Madhu. He is really in need of money. Look at his eyes, he looks so disturbed. I think we should give him a job and also a chance to talk to Ishu." Mr Iyer said calmly

Despite Madhu's melodrama, no's and nahi's, Vishwa remained adamant in his decision. He walked back to the room where Raman was sitting alone. As soon as he entered, Raman stood up. Mr Iyer said, "I will give you a job" As Raman was thanking him, "In return, you have to tell me the truth why are you here. Have you come here for ishu?" Mr Iyer narrowed his eyes.

"Yes and no, sir. Genuinely I'm finding a job so I'm here. But, I wanted to meet Ishu also. I wanted to set right the mistake I did 2 years ago"

"Do you really love her?" Mr Iyer questioned

"Yes sir, that's why I'm here. Please give me one chance" Raman pleaded

Mr Iyer announced in the hall that Raman is given the job of Ishu's PA. Raman was super happy. Ishu felt strange happiness. Mihika was having mixed emotions-she was happy also sad. Vandu and Madhu were shocked. One month passed by. Raman and ishu became more close to each other. Raman had decided to apologize after he becomes her friend.

They used to spend all their time together. First one week he did Ishu's works later she realized he was CEO of another company also and gave him permission to balance both of this work according to his convenience. She even helped him with his PSR's work also. Raman one fine day realized their friendship has increased and hence decided to apologize what he did. He went to Ishu's room and spoke: "Ishu I'm going to tell you something. Please listen calmly."

"Ok. Tell me what is it about," ishu asked

"It's about our college. The last day of our college."

"Our college? Means" she asked

"The college in which we both studied together"

"We both studied together?"

Raman was out-of-blue. He didn't know what to do. He simply walked out of the room. Ishita was calling him but he ignored that and walked to Vandu's room. In a month's time, Vandu realized Raman's goodness and decided to help him.

He spoke, "What happened to ishu?" When Vandu stayed silent, he pressed "I asked what happened to Ishu Vandu Akka. Why is she behaving strangely? She is telling we weren't studying in the same college"

Vandu started "Sit down, Raman. Actually, I wanted to tell you from a long time"

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