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Mihir and Mihika were sitting in a coffee shop. They were there on a coffee date after the movie. Mihika smiles "Mihir. It was too much fun. Thank you"

Mihir replies "What is there to tell thanks in that. It's my duty"

"Duty? I thought only Raman bhai is your duty" mihika jokes 

"Mihika...Accha Raman bhai se Yaad aaya." 

"Kya ?... Did he order no to marriage ?... Mihir I don't get one thing. His father took him out of the house and he is staying at your house. Then why does he control you always" Mihika rolls her eyes

"Miku you don't know mine and Raman bhai's relation. Anyways he doesn't control me" He says "What do you think is ishita still in love with Raman? Does she remember him or he is suffering like me "

"Ishu does not remember him. But I'm sure if she gets to know she will act angry but still will love him" Mihika thinks

"Oh god. It took 1 year for ishu to recognize me." Mihir reminisces 

"She needed time Mihir. The doctor told that not to stress her memory. Slowly she'll remember all the things. She will do it fast if that past thing gets repeated." Mihika explains 

"Yaa...with all those flashbacks she remembered me."

"Credit goes to me. I made her remember of college days with you. Told her all details except Raman "

"I know baby...Raman bhai is regretting his decision. He is in love with Ishu. I'm thinking about bringing them back together"

"Yaa...Buddhu.They're made for each other ."

So both made plans of repeating the past memories is ishu spent with Raman. Finally when over with their plans, he wished her luck, gave a peck on her cheek and left her to Ishu house.


Here Vandu also informs the same thing. Raman is thinking very seriously about it. Tears were flowing down from his eyes. Vandu wiped his tears and assured him "Don't worry Raman. She'll definitely remember you but till then don't apologize. Break-ups are part of life. Only a few of them gets affected. Ishu is one of them"

Raman looks on to her. She continued "Because Ishu thinks all the ones she loves leaves her alone and go. Raman, Ishu is not my biological sister. Appa adopted her when she was 2. We all loved her. She did not know about her adoption until the day you guys broke up. She found amma telling someone..."

Raman was shocked. He asked " She never told me"

"She didn't tell us either. She found out about herself. From that day she is grateful to us. She loves us most and always fears to be away from us. Maybe she was on the way to tell you that when everything happened. Too much trauma led to her selective amnesia."

He asked "Are her real parents dead? "

"Nope, they are very much alive living happily with their son. They left Ishu at some orphanage as she was girl baby and a burden to them. Hadn't the orphanage people informed us that Ishu found out about it, we would not have known her plight. Appa told us not to talk about it. Never did she nor did we ask her"

She suppressed a sob and told "Raman, ishu loved you more than her own life. When you spoke those things she felt deceived. She felt cheated. She cursed her fate but yet loved you. This incident also gave her hope that she was correct - all the one as he loves would leave her one day"

Raman now was crying very badly. What had he done? Without thinking anything, without listening to her explanation I spoke those words to her? I'm so stupid. I should have listened to her once. If not for me she wouldn't have met an accident and this memory loss problem. He cursed himself and silently went to his room.

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