Time Travel....With a baby?

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Jefferson and CJ walked up the bridge into the Wave rider, holding a small child.

"How are we gonna tell them?" CJ whispered to him, holding you close.

"If I know the team, Rory will probably sniff Y/N out before we even get there. Or Gideon will snitch." Jefferson replied with a small smirk. 

At that moment a disgruntled looking Rory stepped around the corner, beer in hand. 

"I thought I smelled a kid. Where'd you get it? Did you steal it?" he said sneering down at the tiny bundle in her arms.

"No matchstick, I birthed it. If you want to know how that went I'd be more than happy to tell you." CJ retorted, smirking. Mick wrinkled his nose and turned around and swigged his beer.

At that moment, you decided that you didn't like the bald man. So you reached out your chubby little hand and aimed for his beer bottle. A small orange glow forms on the palm of your hand and his beer slowly lifts out of the bottle until it's floating in front of your face. Mick goes to take a swig when he realizes his bottle is empty. He turns around and looks at you, giggling floating a blob of beer in the air. He marches over and goes to yell at you, but refuses when he sees your toothless smile and chubby waving arms. 

"I hate babies." he said and spins around, walking away. 

-Time Skip-

The rest of the team adored you. Ray kept poking your chubby cheeks, making you giggle. He also kept trying to tell you funny stories to make you smile your toothless smile.

Kendra loved to hold you and you found her wings mesmerizing and you liked to pet the feathers (although you kept sneezing from all the fluff). Carter simply smiled and watched her.

Rip took one look at you and grunted before giving an hour long shpeel about how dangerous time travel was with a baby until you scooted your tiny self over and clung to his pant leg. He carried you around for an hour. 

Constantine tried to offer you alcohol and teach you spells. CJ put a stop to that immediately.

Professor Stein simply cooed and held you and congratulated Jefferson repeatedly.

Sara let you hold her batons as she held you and she and Ava kept gushing over you.

You liked it when Nate would turn into his steel form, and you would clap your hands and wave your chubby arms in the air. He kept turning into steel for you, until you got tired, then he held you and cuddled you.

Amaya, Zari and Nora went out and bought you so many stuffed toys. Jefferson rolled his eyes as they dressed you up and played princess.

Gideon played Baby Shark on repeat for you.

The final test was Snart. He had been out on the town, and when he came back he found a small child, aka you, playing with Barbie's in the bay. Sara was sitting there playing with you when he walked into the bay.

"So you and Ava finally adopted." he said, trademark frown on his face. He set his gun on the table thing, and started walking into Rip's office. Sara followed and grabbed his arm.

"Aren't you going to say hi to y/n, Snart?" 

Unbeknownst to them, as they were arguing you had stood up on your tiny little legs and reached a hand out to Snart's cold gun. You had the same powers as your mom and could feel the water pulsing in the subzero temp gun. You used your small ounce of power and pulled the water towards you. The gun skittered across the table and you fell backwards as it fell and it landed in your lap. (Softly of course). You just wanted the water. You played with it, until you accidentally pulled the trigger. A blast of subzero ice flew out and flew between Snart and Sara. You started giggling at the looks on their faces, and Snart smiled. He walked over and swiftly picked you up, prying his gun from your tiny, sticky fingers. He hooks it in the holster and he touched your face with his cold hands. You held onto his hand, and you felt comfort in the cold. He didn't say a word as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and snuggled in. You let out a yawn, exhausted from your shenanigans, and fell asleep in Snart's arms. He quietly carried you to his room, and he laid down on his bed letting you cuddle him. That's how CJ found you later, snuggling a sleeping Snart. Who knew his heart wasn't full of ice? 

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