Playdates with Uncle Lenny and Aunt Mick

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Leonard could hear Mick's yell across the Waverider, and you giggled and clapped your hands, while laying on top of his extremely messy pile of blankets. He growled and whipped the blankets off, getting up, and grabbing a beer from the minifridge in his room. That's when he noticed the note stuck to his forehead. 


We got called away on a mission, and you and Snart get to take care of Baby Y/N. 


P.S. If you feed her beer I will end you quicker than you can say fire....tootles! :)

Mick growled and got dressed, picking you up and grumpily walking into Rip's office, half dumping you into the playpen. He grunted and walked away, swigging his beer. You starting sniffling and he turned around, giving you a pointed look. Your tears disappeared the moment he turned around and you scooted closer to him. You opened your mouth and garbled nonsense came out, and he wrinkled his nose and turned around. He started walking away and you started to sob. He ignored you and you sobbed louder. He stopped and you kept on crying. He started walking back, and your sobs grew quieter until he stood above you. You looked up at him with big wet eyes, and snot dripping down your face, and you raised your hands and made grabby motions at him. 

"Mwick." you blubbered, and he narrowed his eyes. 

He started to walk back to the minifridge and you called after him.

"Mwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!" you yelled, pounding your little fists on the the edge of your playpen. 

He. Kept. Walking. 

A stuffed frog bounced off the back of his head, and he whipped around, marching to the playpen. Leonard had emerged from his room, and stood in the corner amused. You held up a stuffed Heatwave toy, and waved it around, smiling. He slowly picked you up, and you giggled. You clung to the front of his jacket, and put the drawstring in your mouth, chewing on it. Mick noticed Leonard in the corner and he handed you to him. 

"Hello little y/n." Leonard said, smiling down at you. He bounced you around on his hip and you waved your chubby baby arms around, smiling. He brought you into the kitchen, and fed you your baby food (with the airplane of course!). Mick stood in the corner drinking, and literally hating everything. 

Leonard brought you out once you were done eating and played with you. He then took you around the waverider for a little walk and you smiled and tried to play with all the butterflies. Leonard managed to get Mick to come along, and you stuck a butterfly on the bald arsonists head. 

Two hours later Leonard was asleep on the couch. You crawled around on the floor for a little while, as Leonard slept. Mick found you chewing on a Captain Cold plushie and he smiled. AT YOU!! He picked you up, and put on his reading glasses, reading you a bedtime story. You sucked on your thumb as he read, and you slowly fell asleep. He softly closed the book, and fell asleep himself, and when Leonard woke up a little later, briefly, he smiled. 

CJ and Jefferson came back to a surprise waiting for them, and CJ remarked to Jefferson,

"We should do this more often." 

And she snapped a picture.....for blackmail of course.

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