Rainy Days and Time Pirates

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You didn't know how you'd ended up here. There were beer bottles and smelly clothes surrounding you, and you gagged at the smell. You sucked in a breath and did the thing you knew best. You cried. A loud wail came from your tiny throat and the snoring lump beneath you snorted awake.

"Wha-", Mick blinked himself awake and saw you, quivering lip and all, sitting on his chest. "Oh Y/N. How'd you get in here?" 

Just then a loud crash startled the both of you. The ship rocked back and forth and Mick instinctively held you tight. Alarms started blaring and you grabbed fistfuls of Mick's shirt, giving him big eyes. 

"Gideon! What the hell is going on here?" He grumbled. The lights flickered on and off and Mick slid to the right a bit. 

Time Pirates are attacking our ship, shelter is advised.

Mick grumbled and stumbled into the main bay, where the rest of the crew was gathered. You saw Nate, and you made grabby hands and wailed at him. He plucked you from Mick's grasp and hugged him. Just then, your parents came rushing in. Cora breathed a sigh of relief to see you safe, and in good hands. 

"Nate, please keep her safe," she said, giving you a small kiss on the forehead, speaking to you, "We'll be back soon. I love you, nugget." 

You said something in baby talk back and she rushed off. Jefferson gave you a few kisses and murmured into your ear before following your mother. Nate held you tighter and the team dispersed to fight the pirates. The lights stopped flickering as much as he gently set you down. You could see the team fighting in the grassy knoll outside and you didn't like it. Nate noticed your frustration and he picked you up, "flying" you around.

"Lets get you some food, yeah." 

He led you into the kitchen and brought you some food. You looked at him with sad doe eyes and he sighed. 

"Food won't help I presume," he said, giving you a boop on your nose. You whimpered and he led you into a separate part of the ship, where you felt alive. More alive than ever. You could feel energy pulsing around you and you waved your hands around, trying to grasp it and mold it. Your eyes glowed teal as you corrupted the energy to your will, dragging it around you and pushing it. You fought with it until the water tank above you exploded. You let out a surprised cry as water rained down on both of you, Nate quickly transforming into his steel form to stay dry. He laughed, a nervous laugh at the state of both of you.

"Lets get you changed before your parents see."

He quickly changed you into your White Canary onesie and he walked out to see the team coming back in, a little battered, but very pleased with their work. Nate put a smile on his face trying not to look suspicious and you gave the biggest doe eyes you could. Sara caught sight of the two of you and her eyes narrowed.

"What did you two get into?" she asked, aware that you two had been up to something.

Nate smiled innocently, "Nothing."

She crossed her arms, "Gideon?"

Mr. Haywood and Miss Y/N have destroyed the water tank in the lower quadrant of the Waverider, Miss Lance. 

Nate grimaced, and Cora took you from his arms. Needless to say he was quite busy for the rest of the day, and you were content watching him work, the team unaware of what had actually happened...

HEY GUYS! CJ here! So sorry it took me this long to update! Life has been crazy. I will do my best to update once a week or once every two weeks. Thanks for understanding <3

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