Late Night Projects and Bestfriend Duties

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Your POV:

Always take the opportunities you've been given. That's what my mentor used to say. I've been living my life with that quote in my mind every day since I finished college and became an Architect. Client after client, work after work... I continue to strive for greatness in my chosen profession. At first glance, I may get looked down on by some men, but I always come through with every ridiculous revision they have in mind. Being one of the few women working in our firm gives me the edge to stand out, and now that I'm closer to achieving my goal, I cannot back down.

After coming home from work, I immediately went to my home office to do more work. I'm not surprised as everyone literally calls me a workaholic; like I've said, I won't back down now that I'm literally close to getting my dream position.

You see, I am up for this promotion, and I just want to make sure that my boss sees all the effort that I'm putting into our projects. A minor revision from my clients won't hurt. It would definitely give them satisfaction and make my boss very happy to see another satisfied client.


I was in the middle of recreating our 3d models for our clients when I heard my phone ring. Prying my eyes away from my monitor screen, I smile as I see my best friend's name illuminating my phone screen.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I said after answering her call.

"What do you mean to what do I owe the plea-- You're late! I've been waiting for you for 30 minutes, and I swear to God y/n if you're not here for the next 30 minutes, I'll drag you by the ear myself." Katie told me in a scolding tone.

"Shit, I forgot!" I stood up as I quickly saved my model in my computer before shutting it down and rushing out of my apartment, automatically locking the door.

"I'm sorry, I know it's just I've been trying so hard to get this fucking promotion that I forgot it's already Friday night! I'm out of my apartment now. I'll be there in 25." I added, not wanting Katie to be madder at me.

"Just hurry up. We have a lot of catching up to do, love you!" Katie said, laughing at my scared tone.

Who knew my rambling would work.

"Okay, I will. Love you too." I said before hanging up and hopping inside my car, so I could drive to her place.


Katie's POV:

I couldn't help but chuckle after y/n ended the call. She is not the type of person who would bail on you if you have something planned, but once her mind is focused on other things, she would stop at nothing until it's finished.

I'm genuinely proud of her achievements. Every day she's setting new goals, crossing boundaries, and exceeding people's expectations. The girl absolutely is nonstop. That's why I made an agreement with her that every Friday night, we would have a movie night at one of our homes alternating so that she could relax and take her mind off of work, even just for one night.

Ever since we met at our philosophy class in college, we have been inseparable. She is truly a one-of-a-kind person that would just... brighten up your day, from her sweet smile to the sparkles in her eyes when she talks about something she loves. Even her silly antics would never fail to make you smile every time.

She consumed my mind every day until I finally realized that I was slowly falling in love with her. Who wouldn't, though? She's amazing! She's every man's dream, but before I could tell her how I felt, she started talking to me about one of her classmates in an engineering course named Lucas. She was so smitten by him that before our junior year ended, they started dating.

Then I realized that her friendship was more than enough for me... at least I still have her in my life, right? I tried dating other people through the years, but it was clear that my love for her was stronger thus, causing me to end all of my relationships.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up to answer the door revealing y/n in all her glory, smiling sheepishly at me, holding a take out of our favorite fast food.

"Forgive me?" She asked with her puppy eyes.

"You know I can't resist if you brought our favorite food." I chuckled, taking the takeaway from her hands as I let her in.

As I put the takeaways on a plate, I heard y/n talking from behind me.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. My clients are demanding some minor changes, and I just want to make my boss happy, especially now that I'm up for a big promotion that would skyrocket my career." She rambled.

I chuckled at her actions, but before she could say anything more, I stopped her.

"Okay, okay, enough work talk let's just relax and watch a lovely movie how about that?" I asked her as I put the plates on the coffee table and sat on the couch.

"Okay fine." She finally said, sitting on the couch and scooting closer to me as she leaned her back on my side.

I pressed play, and the movie started. Every now and then, we would converse about the characters in the film, complaining about their life decisions as we eat our food. It's nice that she could forget about work for once as our laughter filled the room, enjoying our occasional banter. Hearing her laugh just brightened up my day by a hundred times more.


Author's Note:

New book!!!

Hoping you guys would love this one. I'll try to update as much as possible; I've already planned things for this story.

Also, if you haven't checked out my other book yet, it's called She Saved Me, hoping you'd enjoy that one too.

Thank you!

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