Draco's Apple

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Today is the day you finally attend Hogwarts. Your dad is finally allowing you to attend, He works at the school. He takes you to platform 9¾ this is where every witch and wizard going to Hogwarts enters. You look back at your dad and he gives you a nod, encouraging you to go through the wall. You step through the wall and see many people all in different groups. You look around and find a small group of people. You walk up to them and say " Hello, do any of you happen to know when the train is suppose to get here" The blonde haired girl replies " Hello, I'm Luna Lovegood and this here is Neville and Ginny, The train you are waiting for will be here shortly, if you want you can wait with us." you say " I would love to wait with you, I'm new here, Y/N Snape. Neville " Nice to meet you y/n I'm Neville Longbottom" "I'm Ginny Weasley, Wait you said your last name is Snape, Is Professor Snape your dad" You look around and bring your voice to a whisper, " I wasn't supposed to tell anyone until I got at Hogwarts but yes I am Snape's daughter" You hear tracks in the distance which means you're one step closer to seeing your dad again. All of you get on the train, you look for a place to sit, when you see a blonde haired boy with grey eyes. You walk up to the boy and sit across from him. He gives you a sly look and turns to the window. You scoff at him " Something wrong? I just needed a seat" He turns his attention to you " Nothing is wrong, I just dislike mudbloods." You can feel yourself getting angry with this boy. He triggered something in you. You snarl at him " Who the hell do you think you are pretty boy, you don't even know who I am, and you're already assuming I'm a mudblood, which I am not, Allowed me to introduce myself I'm Y/n Snape. He looks at you shocked then finally says " I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, sorry for calling you a mudblood". He puts his hand out for you to shake, you shake hands and he smiles at you. 

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