Chapter 7

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It's the night of the meeting. Draco takes you around the back of the manor, he uncovers a little door. You whisper to him "how did you know that was there? Does anyone else know it's there?" He says "when I was little, our house elf Dobby and I. We were close, he became my only friend besides you of course. When I knock on this door Dobby should come and open it up for us. He'll be happy to see you again. Draco kisses you and then knocks on the door. you wait a while and Dobby opens the door. Draco thanks him for opening the door "master it's you, Dobby is so happy to see your sir, Dobby missed you, oh and you brought Y/n. Pleasure to see you again ma'am" Dobby said gleefully, he puts out a small hand for you to shake "pleasures all mine Dobby, I've missed you" you said. You and Draco sneak up to his room and go over the plan.

Draco takes your hand and walks you to the meeting. Where he knocks on the door. You hear people shushing others while you hear someone else get up to answer the door. The person doesn't even look to see who it is. They say "Dobby we don't need anything just leave us alone" Draco opens his mouth and says " It's good to see you father, I trust you know Y/n Snape." His father has a shocked look plastered over his face. "Draco, I didn't know you were coming tonight. I'm busy you'll have to leave, or go to your room and wait" you hear a woman's voice in the background saying "Did you say Draco Lucius, is my boy here, let him come in" she then sings out "Come in dear, don't mind your father" Lucius steps aside for you and Draco to pass by him, as soon as you enter the room Draco and you make your way over to his mother. "It's good to see you mum" he says as he kisses her cheek. "I missed you, my beautiful boy." she says back.

You put out your hand and say "pleasure to see you again Mrs. Malfoy" she ignores your hand and brings you into a hug. "Dear how many times do I have to tell you, it's Cissy. I've missed you, Draco hasn't brought you here in a long time" Lucius cuts In "yes. I wonder why he did tonight, of all nights" Draco squeezes your hand. "The reason Draco and I have come here is because we have some news we'd like to share with you, and my dad" you say nervously. "And what might that be, Draco" asked Lucius. Draco looks at you and you nod your head to him. " Y/n and I are together, we wanted to come clean. We've been seeing each other for a while now and decided we should tell everyone. She's the love of my life and I plan to make that clear. " Draco blurted out. Nervous of what his father would say "well thats-" your father cuts in "That's wonderful news, I'm so happy for you two, I trust you'll treat my daughter well, she seems keen on you" You blush at your father's response you can't bear to look at Draco so you look at the ground. Draco puts a finger under your chin and lifts your head, he makes you meet his eyes and he kisses you passionately. As he pulls back he whispers in your ear " I love when you blush because of me, you'll be blushing a lot more later" he chuckled. 

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