Chapter 11

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You're sound to sleep when you suddenly have a terrible feeling. You're brought to the front of the Castle, the bridge is broken in half, there's smoke and boulders everywhere. You look around seeing if you can find anyone, there's no one there. You take out your wand and move a big boulder that is in your way. You walk around a bit shouting out to anyone who might hear you " Hello, Is anyone there?" You look around in a panic, You finally lay eyes on a body, Hopeful you run towards them, as you get closer you see that it is Dolores Umbridge. You shake her body but there is no response, She's dead.

You look around some more and see someone with blonde hair dressed in black, your heart drops as you think it's possibly Draco. You run over to the body and flip them over. You scream, suddenly you're awake in yours and Draco's bed. You sit up and search for him in the bed. He isn't there so you get out of bed in a panic and search the room, Still no sign of Draco. You start screaming his name. Your room door opens and Draco comes running in " What is it babygirl, i'm right here" he says. He notices you're shaking he quickly pulls you in holding you tight, he strokes your hair and whispers in your ear "It's ok, it's going to be ok, tell me what happened and I'll fix it" once you calmed down you told him everything, you told him how you had a horrible dream and thought he was dead. He takes you to your father. When he explains what just happened to your father, you see your dad's face go pale, like he's sick or something.

Your dad tells you not to worry that he will fix this, he hands you something blue in a little glass bottle. You look at him and ask what it is. He replies with " Calming Draught, it should relax you honey." he then turns to Draco and says " Make sure she drinks this, Stay with her all night. Keep my only daughter safe Draco, I'll have to tell Dumbledore it's starting" You catch the last thing your dad said, you look at him and Draco scared "Dad, what's starting" Draco rushes to your side and holds your hand as your dad tells you what's starting. "The second wizarding war is about to begin y/n. Please drink this and stay close to Draco"

You nod and drink the potion, you give your dad a hug before you leave "If anything happens dad, Just know I love you and i'm so grateful for you" or dad hugs you back tightly " I love you too honey, please stay safe". Draco walks you out and back to the common room. He knows you won't sleep anymore so he grabs your favourite book and pulls you close to him, he kisses the top of your head and starts reading the book. After a few hours you drift to sleep feeling the steady rising and falling of Draco's breathing beneath you.  

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