Twenty two

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1 month later


I walked in Adrienne's room with Ashton.She started working again two weeks ago and we haven't really gotten to see her that much.She was sitting on her bed withe her laptop.She smiled when she saw me come in.I sat next to her.

"Hey."She said

"What you doing?"I asked

"Still trying to find an apartment."She huffed

"You need to chill."I said

"I can't plus I gotta get ready to go in a minute."She said

"You gonna leave daddy and the kids at home?"I said and shook Ashton in her face

"Sorry.Im busy.The Grammy's are in like 2 months and everybody needs wardrobe."She said

"I know."I rolled my eyes

"Where's Xai?"She asked closing her laptop and kissing Ashton's cheek

"Downstairs."i said

She nodded and went in her closet.She started looking around in it.

"So what are you guys gonna do today?"She asked

"I don't know I might go to the studio.Kevin (his manager) wants me back to work."I said

She nodded.

"You wrote some songs about me?"She pulled out something to wear

"Maybe."I said

She walked over to me.

"What's wrong?"She asked

"You been so busy and Daddy misses you."I said rubbung her thigh

"If you can find somebody to watch the boys,when I come home you can get some."She said and went to turn on the shower

She came back.

"You gotta go Daddy im getting in the shower."She said

Ashton started kicking his feet.

"Aww you don't wanna leave Mommy Ash?"She asked

He kicked his feet again.She smiled.

"What time you gonna be home?"I asked

"Well I have 2 meetings then Druex wants me to have lunch with him and Kam.So maybe 5."She said

I nodded and started to walk to the door.I kissed her cheek and left the room.I went downstairs with Xai he was watching tv and eating cereal.

"Is Mommy working today?"He asked

"Yup.So it's just us boys."I said

He smiled.

1 hour later

Adrienne walked down the stairs looking...God damn😩😍.

"Bye babies."She said

She walked to Xai and kissed his cheek then did the same to Ashton.

"You not gonna give me one?"I asked

"No because you do too much."She said

"Oh really?"I asked

"Mmhmm."She said

"But i'll give you one anyway."She kissed my cheek

"Bye.Be safe.Take care if my kids."She said

"Got it."I said

She walked out the door and left us.


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