Thirty four

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1 week later

Trey pov

Adrienne's abuela was getting worse.She can't breathe on her own and Adri's been taking it pretty hard.She's in my bed with me crying all over me.

"Shh shh."I said rubbing her back

"She's gonna die.."She said lowly

"C'mon don't think like that."I said

"She is Trey!I know it."She buried her face in my chest

"Shh.It's gonna be okay."I said and kissed her head

She nodded and sniffed.

"Thank you."She said

I shook my head."I gotchu."

"Gimme a smile."I said

She slightly smiled and i pushed her cheeks up making it bigger.

She laughed.Then she rubbed my eyebrow.

"Your eyebrows bother me.There's a spot missing."She said

"I shaved em when I was 8 and they never grew back right."I said shaking my head

"That's what you get lil bad ass kid."She said

"You love me tho."I said

"Shut up."She smiled

"I miss this."She said lowly

"Miss what?"I said

"I miss us being close.All this arguing is ruing our friendship."She said

"Friendship."I said lowly sighing

"Don't do that.I have a boyfriend and you know that."She said

"So why you in the bed with me right now all cuddled up?I know I fucked up big time but I love you more than nigga ever could."I said

"Stop it Tremaine.You're not gonna make me feel bad when you kicked me out so stop."She said

I nodded."Im sorry.Im so sorry."

"You took me away from my new born baby."She sniffed

"I wanna work things out with you.We don't have to be together I just want us to keep a friendship and be good co-parents."I said

"You wanna like go to counseling or something?"She asked

"Yeah that's fine.We can find a counselor."I said

"Oh I already have one."She said

"You have one?For what?"I asked

"Druex made me go to therapy after the whole incident."She said

I nodded and leaned in and kissed her.Surprisingly she kissed back.

"Mm."She moaned

I reached down and grabbed her ass.

"Wait no."She pulled away

"Shh."I said and kissed her again

"Trey."She said

"You love me?"I asked

She nodded.

I pulled her panties to the side and looked at her.She bit her lip and i dipped my fingers in her pool.

"Mm Trey were not supposed to be doing this."She said

"I know baby."I said and kissed her clit

"Stop stop."She closed her legs and moved away

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