Twenty Nine

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1 month later

"Good Morning this is Big Boy's neighborhood.We have Adrienne in the building."

"Hi how are you?"I smiled

"Im great.Now Trey and I are very good friends and you are his babymom right?"He asked

"Yes I have two boys with him."I nodded

"How old are they?"He asked

"Xavier will be 5 tomorrow and I have Ashton who is almost 5 months."I smiled

"Aww look at that smile when she talks about them."He directed the camera man to turn it to me

"Haha yeah Im a very proud mother."I said

"So Adrienne as many other girlfriends and ex girlfriends of celebrities you receive hate via social media.How do you deal with that?"He said

I nodded."Well to be honest I stay away from social media you know.I might post a picture or two here and there but im not on there heavy.I mean I can't block everybody and I have wayyy more things to worry about than what someone behind their phone has to say about me."I said

"Ha.Ain't that the truth.Now you know we gotta ask you about your relationship status and why did you and Trey break up."

"Well I am dating someone right now.-

"Does his name happen to be lil Fizz?"Big Boy interrupted

I chuckled and nodded."Yes Im dating him.We've been together for about a month and Ive been wanting to take things really slow because my last two relationships were hard and I want us on the same page you know?"I said

He nodded."Now about you and Trey.."

I sighed."Before I say anything im not here to bash Tremaine or anything.I love Trey he's the father of my children but all Im gonna say is that I can't love somebody who doesn't want to be loved."

"So what your saying is he wasn't treating you right?"He asked

"Yeah and I know that whole "Im a man and I have needs" bullshit but a woman also has needs and 10 times out if 10 we ate hornier than you are.After him getting into the car accident I was only a few months pregnant and I was really stressed out.You know Trey's legs were paralyzed and he couldn't feel a thing.So my whole pregnancy while his mother and I were taking care of him and Xavier Im not getting any and neither is he.After I had the baby we still weren't having intercourse because we had a new born and a four year old."I said


"Now Adrienne you tweeted something about abusive relationships.Were you in one before?"He asked

"Um yeah.I know I have alot of followers and you really never know what goes on behind closed doors so I didn't know who I was helping.I just tweeted that it will be hard but you have to get away the first time.Dont let someone keep hitting on you.I want everyone to just listen for a second.I was in an abusive relationship for almost four years.He hit me almost everyday.I lost a child,and innocent child to domestic violence and I don't anyone to ever have to go through anything like the pain of losing your baby they way I did.That still burns a hole in my chest.If I didn't have Trey at the time he would've killed me too."I said

"Oh wow.Now alot of people say Trey made you,you wouldn't have a career without him.Is there any truth to that?"

"Ha.No I went to school for fashion.I didn't just wake up one day like im gonna go find Trey and become a stylist.I went to online school while I had a baby.I worked hard for my stuff.Granted he did help alot with getting alot of celebrities put on to me but that's it."I said

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