The Announcement

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Welcome to the first chapter of my new book!!! This chapter is how the story is going to take off!

Faiths age: 6

        "You can't be serious?!"

        Howard sighed for what felt like the 8th time this whole conversation. His wife wasn't making this any better.

         "Yes honey, I am serious. I've been thinking about this thought for a while. I thought you would be happy. You know how much this means to me. I've been thinking about this for years."

         "I'm not stupid! I know you're just trying to figure out a way to get rid of me but guess what I'm not leaving and neither is Faith!"

         "I never said you were stupid! You're putting words into my mouth. I've barely even seen you spend more than half an hour alone with our daughter so don't trying and say that I'm trying to get of rid her!"

       After that last line they both kind of just glared at each other without saying anything. No noise was made between the shattered couple. Their relationship has been treading on thin ice for a while and this decision broke through it and left them with two people fighting to get to the top.

      Faith Hayes has always been a curious child. Even at the bright age of 6 she has managed to wonder outside, passed the locks on the door and managed to get close to the knives that were in the kitchen. So you can imagine what she did when she heard her dad arguing with her "mom".

      The small pitter patter of her feet against the floor distracted the couple from their staring match to the little girl.

      Howard knew that all the noise they were making was for sure going to wake up his little bumblebee but he still prayed that almost at 2 in the morning she would be fast asleep to realize what was happening.

When both of them turned to the hallway leading to the stairs they saw Faith half asleep using her hands as fists to try and wake herself up with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Bumblebee what are you doing up?" Howard walked over to his daughter and picked her up and she immediately put her head on his shoulder.

*yawns* "I heard you talking to someone and I woke up. Why are you yelling daddy?"

Howard was confused as to why his daughter didn't say "mom" but he had bigger problems to deal with at the moment.

      "You want me and mommy to take you back up to bed sweetie?"

       "Just you." Howard looked over to his wife and was going to give her a sympathetic smile but she was glaring at the little bundle of joy.

     He quickly left the tense atmosphere and took his daughter upstairs into her room.

     "Alright little munchkin it's time for you to get to bed."

     He put her on her bed and sat down beside her and ran his fingers through her hair to coax her back to sleep.

      "How come you didn't say "mom" when we were downstairs bumblebee?"

       Faith looked up at her dad and was trying to find a way to tell him that she hasn't been paying attention to her for the past 2 years.

     "I want the truth sweetie."

      "She doesn't weally pay attention to me daddy," Faith grabbed her bunny and held it closer to her with the feeling of tears coming.

      Howard didn't know what to say. He always tried getting his wife to pay attention to Faith but after hearing this information he found out what he had to do. Not only to get his daughter away from his so called wife but also to make her life the best.

       "Hey munchkin can I ask you something?" Faith quickly sat up and nodded her head quickly. Any time her dad wanted her input she was all ears. "How would you feel if I ran for president when you're 9"

       Faith giggled and looked at her dad. "But you can't run for president I'm not 9 yet." Even though she was really young she was very smart and loved learning about history.

      Howard laughed and picked her up and put her in his lap.

     "You got me bumblebee. But how would you feel about it."

     Faith out her finger on her chin acting like she was thinking. "You have to pwomise me that you won't forget me, you'll spend as much time with me as you can, annnnnnd you have to still take me out to dinners!"

       He chuckled at her and put his pinky in front of her face. "I will do my very best bumblebee."

     She smiled and hooked her finger with his. After that conversation Howard put Faith to bed and quickly called someone.

        Emily, Howard's wife, was quickly losing her patience with her husband. Before she could yell at him to get his ass downstairs and forget about the little brat she gave birth to she heard his footsteps coming.

       Quicker than lightning Howard cut off her thinking with the simple line of, "we're getting a divorce," and quickly went back upstairs to cuddle with his daughter for the night leaving a stunned wife behind him.


First chapter boos!! How did you guys like it?

Next chapter is going to be Howard and Faith preparing for their future together.

Hope you guys liked it make sure to comment and vote!!

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