New Rules

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Heyyyy!!! I'm back!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I wanted to take a break from this because I wasn't feeling it but I'm back now!!!!!

Howard's POV:

I woke up to someone knocking on my door. At first I was confused as to where I was but then I remembered everything

Break in......

New president......

Faith almost being shot......


I looked beside me and saw Faith cuddled into my side. Looking past her sleeping form I looked at the clock and saw that it read 3:48 p.m.

The person behind the door knocked again clearly getting impatient. I maneuvered around trying my hardest to not wake up Faith and walked over to the door. When I opened it I came face to face with the man who brought me to this room. What was his name...... John?...... Steve?...... Mich oh! Mike.

"Hello Mike."

"Hello Mr. President, I was told that I have to bring you and Ms. Hayes to discuss the rules you need to follow."

"Alright let me get Faith ready."

He nodded his head which led me to waking her up. I lightly shook her knowing that all of the talking would wake her up a little.

"Faith. Come on, you gotta get up for me bumblebee."

She moved a little and started to whine, "nooooo! Daddy I don't want to get up!"

"I know you don't but you have to we have to discuss some important things." She got up and I realized how crazy her hair looked. When I saw her hair it made me chuckle and help her smooth it out. I looked in the drawer of one of the nightstand and saw a small hairbrush and used that.

After I tamed her hair I picked her up and opened the door. Mike was there along with another man. Who I don't know but I might find out later. We started walking to where I assume was the Oval Office.

"Mrs. Collins is in the room waiting for you. After you talk with her we will take you to the kitchen so you can get something to eat."

"Alright thank you." Both of them nodded their head and Mike opened the door. When I looked in Mrs. Collins was sitting in the couch with a binder in her hands.

"Good afternoon Mr. President please take a seat."

Third Person POV:

Howard quickly sat down across the lady and put Faith beside him.

Mrs. Collins knew that both of them had questions especially Faith but she also knew that Mr. Hayes was a business man but put his daughter before him.

"I'd like to talk to you two about some of the rules that you will have to follow is that alright with you?"

Howard nodded his head and looked down at his daughter. Faith was still on edge from the events that happened only a couple of hours ago but knew that of her dad was beside her she would be fine so she gave a slight nod.

Pleased with their responses the lady handed Howard a paper from her binder.

"Those are the rules that you have to follow sir so we can keep you safe. You don't have as many as your daughter only because she will be more likely to be moving in and out just as much as you will."

As Howard read over all the rules he saw two names, one of them being Mike and another one he hadn't heard of which was Chris.

"Who is Mike and Matt? I know Mike is the guard who brought us here but who is Matt?"

Mrs. Collins explained that those were two of the best guards who would protect him both in and outside of the White House.

"I want them to stay with Faith."

Mrs. Collins was very quick to protest, "Mr. President I understand that this is all new to you but you have to reconsider those are two of the best men we have and we need—"

"Two of the best? You mean there are other people who are also very good at their job?" She nodded her head. "Then it shouldn't be a problem having them be Faiths guards. I trust Mike already and I'm sure that if I trust him I'll trust Matt as well. I want her to be protected as much as me."

Mrs. Collins knew that this was a losing battle so she gave in. For the next hour they talked and discussed all the rules that they had to follow Faith and Howard asking questions and Mrs. Collins answering them.

"Daddy I'm hungry."

"Oh yes. I forgot you guys haven't eaten anything. We'll finish this up some other time. As of now you guys can have Matt and Mike take you to the kitchen and we'll have the maid cook you guys up something."

"Thank you."

"Thank you pretty lady!" Faith screamed.

She chuckled and just said you're welcome. I picked her up and walked out the door and was met with Matt and Mike standing like robots.

"Where would you like to go now Mr. President?"

"Kitchen please."


Hiiiii!.............. hehe I'm ALIVE😂😂

Please don't attack me for practically being dead for months I truly didn't know I wouldn't update for a while.

Life just hasn't been very good and neither has been my mental health but you know no one needs to know that.

Anyway how are y'all?

Please don't come at me for any mistakes!

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