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Next month after:

          Howard was in his office trying to find a good business and people to help him get started on running for president. (I know nothing on how to prepare for running for president so pls bare with me) Even though it was three years before he would be publicly running he wanted to get a head start on it.

Faith was very adamant on helping her daddy with everything. He obviously didn't want her to do lots of things and just be a kid but she stood her ground. She would help around the house and make sure she payed attention at school and obeyed when her dad told her to do something.

Currently Faith was at home sitting on the couch in front of the tv watching The Amazing World of Gumball eating strawberries when her dad came downstairs.

"Daddy!!" She jumped up from the couch into her dad.

"Oomph! Looks like I was missed for that 2 hours that I was gone huh?" He knew that even when he was still with his wife she was a daddy's girl. Her first word was da-da.

"Uh huhhhhh!"

"What did you do today bumblebee?"

"I played with my friends during recess and then I came home and did my math homework and and then I came downstairs and saw someone leave your office then then I came to the kitchen and asked Mrs. Layla if I can have some strawberries and watched some tv!"

Howard was listening very closely to what his daughter said. The one thing that caught his attention though was her seeing his one designer for his signs coming out of his office and not coming in.

"How come you didn't come in when you saw someone walk out of my office sweetie?"

"You looked stressed and upset and thought that you wanted to be alone. Did I make you upset daddy? I'm sorry I thought you wanted time alone! I promise to visit you when you're working!" Faith thought that her dad was upset with her so her thinking that she made him upset she became upset in herself.

Howard quickly realized his mistake and started correcting his upset daughter, "on no! No no no no bumblebee you are so wrong! I wasn't upset! I swear I didn't even see you walk past the door. Please don't be upset little one I can't stand to see you upset."

Faith wrapped her arms around her dads neck and squeezed him. They both just sat there one on the couch the other on his lap hugging each other.

"Can I see a smile on your beautiful face baby girl?"

She quickly took her head off his chest and gave him a toothy grin. He laughed and started ticking her stomach.


He kissed her forehead and held her close to him while she was catching her breath.

"You wanna go get some ice cream bumblebee?"

"YAYYY!!" The father daughter duo quickly made their way to the nearest ice cream shop and ate their ice cream.


"You have everything done that needs to be done correct?"

"Yes. We got all your sign designs done and sent to the maker," Samuel said to Howard. Both men were in his office later in the week discussing the signs and everything else he'll need when it's time to run.

"Thank you again for coming at a short notice," Howard said standing up and shaking his hand.

"It's my pleasure. Your resume and history is really good. You also were a lawyer so I can't see any problem for when your running."

Both men continued to discuss things while walking to the door. After Samuel left Howard got himself ready for bed but found himself in front of his daughters room.

He walked inside to find her snuggled up in her blankets with her stuffed animal he got her when she was 2 in her arms.

The day he found at how his wife was treating his little princess and announcing a divorce was one of the best things he chose to do. Sure it was a little hard but he was glad that he didn't now and not later on.

He walked over to her and moved her hair out of her face and just thought of how grateful he is because of her. He couldn't have wanted a better daughter to have than her.


Hey loves how are y'all doing?

Another chapter I'm proud of myself. I have midterms this week and next week so I've been preparing for those all week and we'll I think I'm going to pass math and history. Don't know about bio but ya know.

Anyway remember to read today and vote and comment!!

Have a great rest of the day/night boos!!✨✨✨✨

Life of the Presidents daughterWhere stories live. Discover now