The Results

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Three years later
Faiths age: ✨9✨

      A lot of has happened these past 3 years. Faith is now 9 years old and found a passion for dancing. During her time of dance her dad was behind her the whole way. He went to almost all of her dance competitions that he could, which was very rare that he missed one.

        Howard was preparing day and night for today. The day where all of his hard work would either be showcased or ignored by the people. It wasn't easy running for president especially for his daughter. One day when she was waiting outside of her school for his brother to pick her up she was bombarded with paparazzi.
       When she came home she was very upset and Howard was livid and went into protective father mode and was going to call out all of the people who upset his daughter but she didn't want that.

      She didn't want to go to school for the rest of the week though which she was allowed.

      There were some questions about his ex-wife that he had to answer when he was at a debate which he answered truthfully, 'She wasn't treating my daughter how I felt that she should be. She ignored her for years and called her names. I can't speak for other people but I don't want my daughter around someone who would be with her for the rest of her life.'

         On nights when he would have to go to a debate or something else either his brother and his wife or his parents would come and watch her and let her watch a little bit of the debates until she had to go to bed.

        As of right now Faith, Howard, his parents, and his brother are in the living room watching the news and the Supreme Court voting on who they think should be president. The other candidate is ahead of him but not by much.

        "Daddy daddy!!"

        "Yes babygirl?"

         "What are we going to do if you when? Not saying you won't I just don't want to sound cocky." Howard chuckled at his daughter. Over the past couple of years he's noticed that she is a very shy child and not as outgoing as she was before.

         "Well... we'll have to move into the White House. Our schedule will be busier and you'll have to promise you you'll stay with your body guards ok little one."

        "I promise," she held out her pinky finger and they hooked fingers.

       They turned their attention back to the tv and saw the members getting ready to announce who is the president.

     'Thank you everyone who could be here today. We welcome all the people watching this and hope you made the right choice. We are all here to find out who will be our president. This was a very close race and each participant should be proud of themselves for getting this far. Now without further ado I'd like to announce our new president is...........

       HOWARD HAYES!!!!'

      Howard couldn't breathe. He could barely move. It took a lot of him to come back to reality to hear his parents clapping, his brother congratulating him, and his daughter squeezing the light out of him.
      "You won dad!!!! I'm so proud of you!"

     "Are you alright son?" His dad asked.

     "Yeah...... yeah I'm just in shock. I knew I had a good shot I just didn't actually think this would be happening."

     "We're proud of you honey. Now we'll celebrate tomorrow afternoon for some lunch correct?"

     "Yes mom. Drive home safe love you guys." He kissed his mom on the cheek and hugged his dad while his brother did the same.

     "Bye grandma bye grandpa!!"

    "Bye Fay! You take good care of your daddy and make sure he stays out of trouble ok?"

    Howard closed the door and turned around to come face to face with his brother.

     "I'm proud of you little bro. But promise me you'll be careful and take care of yourself and the little munchkin alright?"

      "I got ya brother."

      They quickly did that type of bro hug and his brother left not without saying goodbye to Faith.

      Howard turned around to see his daughter yawning near the kitchen counter. "Hahah are you tired bumblebee?"

      *yawns* "no."

    "I think otherwise. Come on it's past your bedtime and your going to need as much sleep as possible for these next couple of days." He picked her up and felt her head fall in the croon of his neck and her hands wrap around his neck. He opened her door and put her on her bed while he took off her fuzzy socks.

     Another thing the two had in common. No matter how cold their feet were they could never go to sleep with socks on.

      "Are you excited daddy?"

     "I am sweetie. I don't think it's clicked in but I'm sure it will."

     "You're going to sleep right?"

     "Yeah. I was going to stay up and do some stuff but I knew you'd be upset with me so I'm heading to bed, and then tomorrow we're going out to lunch with grandma and grandpa and then we'll spend the rest of the day together alright?"

    She yawns and mumbles a tired 'mmhm.' He kissed her forehead and they said goodnight.

    But neither one knew that their night would be disturbed so quickly after that.......


Hey loves!!!! Hope you guys had an amazing day!!!

I had my math midterm today along with a bio and public speaking test.

This chapter reminded me of how it hasn't clicked that my sister is a senior this year.🥺✨

Anyway how'd you guys like this chapter? I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow cause I'm going to be at my youngest nephews birthday.

✨✨Make sure to comment and vote!!!✨✨

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