Answers, answers, and Mr. President?

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"The president is dead sir. Committed suicide but we expect foul play."

Well shit........


          "Why would you be expecting foul play?"

           The lady just sighed. Clearly this was still a very touchy subject. Sure the man apparently wasn't the nicest but he was probably under a lot of stress.

            "The way he did it doesn't seem like he can do it by himself. And also he seemed nervous the day before like if he didn't do something, something bad would happen to him."

        "What should I be doing then? I don't know what I should do? I just got here."

         "As of right now you just need to address the nation. We're having the FBI and some other people looking into it."

         I sighed and just nodded my head. The adrenaline of getting Faith out and hearing this news has just caught up to me. I'm going to regret telling my parents——-


      "Sir is everything okay?"

        "Ughh do you ummm have a phone I can borrow I have to call my parents and brother?"

       The lady turned around and started searching through a purse that was beside her. A couple seconds later she pulled out a phone and handed it to me.

       "I'm going to head out now Mr. President Mike is just right out those doors. When you're ready he'll take you to your room."

       "Thank you again. Won't you want your phone back?"

        "Someone actually grabbed your phone while we were getting you out of your house," and with that she left. I looked back at my hand and low and behold it was my phone. Without wasting another second I scrolled through my phone numbers until I saw my dads number.


       Come on pick up dad.


       "Hey dad." Seriously?! 'Hey dad?!'

        "Is everything okay? Why are you calling me at almost 5 o'clock in the morning?"

"Ummmmmm....." this is really awkward.

"Son? What happened?"

What the hell am I supposed to say?! Hey dad I'm at the White House now because some people broke into my house while Faith and I were sleeping and now we are here because the president committed suicide but this lady thinks there's foul play? Yeah real mature answer.

"Look dad..... I don't know how to say this but....... someone broke into the house today in Faith's room and secret service agents took us to the White House and uhh....."

"There's more?! Son I have to know what else?"

"The President committed suicide."

The line was silent for a couple more moments. I can feel my heartbeat in my ears.

"Are you two okay?"

I sighed. "I don't know dad. As of the last I checked Faith was sleeping. She was cornered by a man dad. I heard her scream. I-I can't get that image out of my head." I sat down on the one couch in the middle of the room.

"I wish I could help you son. I don't know how the secret service would feel if we came there and tried—" there was some shuffling on his side. 'Who are you talking to honey?'

Shit I forgot about mom.

"I'm talking to your son he has something to tell you."

"Sweetie what is it?"

I told her everything. She wasn't any better than dad. She wanted to bolt down all the to the White House and see me and Faith.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know mom. As of right now I want to make sure Faith is okay. I might have her stay with either you or Chris for a while."

       "Okay just let us know before hand go make sure she's ok. I'm sure she's scared right now. We love you honey we'll tell Chris what happened."

       "Alright thanks mom. Love you guys."

      We quickly said a couple more words and exchange 'love you's' before I hung up. I layed back on the sofa for a while before getting up and opening the door.

       Just like Mrs. Collins said Mike was there waiting for me along with another man.

"Where would you like to go to now Mr. President? We can either go to your room or Miss Faiths."

"Take me to my daughters room please Mike." He bowed his head and started walking the direction to Faiths room.

"Will you be staying here for the rest of the morning or will you want to go to your room?"

"I'll stay with her for know. I want to make sure she's okay."

I opened the door expecting to see my sleeping bumblebee but instead was met with a tear stained face and a woman trying to calm her down.

"Heyyyyy why are you crying sweetie?"

I picked her up and held her close to me with her chest against mine and she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I looked to the lady and thanked her for trying to calm her down and said that she and Mike and the other man can leave.

        When they closed the door I turned back to Faith. "Why were you crying?"

       "I had a nightmare."

        "Was it about what happened today?" I felt her nod her head as a yes. I just continued telling her that I was here and to calm down and breathe.

        "Do you want me to stay with you bumblebee?"

       "Can you?"

       "Yes I can. Come on let's get to bed."

        I put her down on her bed and climbed in beside her. Lost of people might find this weird but we don't. I made sure that Faith was covered in the blanket and then put a smaller blanket on me.

     I might have a lot to do when I wake up again but right now I need my sleep.


Hey guys!!!! Hopefully you guys had an amazing weekend! I know I did.

I'm just letting you know that I don't condone suicide and I don't joke around with it! Also I'm not political whatsoever I am not a fan of it unless it's a topic I like.

Make sure to comment and vote and read something!!!

Life of the Presidents daughterWhere stories live. Discover now