TWENTY: The Letter

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Adaeze pov

I walk into the production room. Everyone is doing one thing or the other except for Nneka.

"Nneka, are you on your break?" I asked as I leaned on the counter.

"No, I am tired" She answered

"It's not yet noon so why are you tired. If you are sick then go home" lara said.

"No one asked you to talk lara so keep quiet" She turned to me "And Adaeze..."

"Miss Adaeze" I correct.

She rolled her eyes "Whatever, as you can see there is nothing to do"

"The tables and chairs are dusty so why don't you do that" I suggested.

She hissed and continued what she was doing, pressing phone.

"Nneka, miss Adaeze has told you what to do so why are you proving stubborn?" One of the guys asked.

"Sorry, Adaeze the fact that you have talked to Mr ire personally doesn't mean you can boss....." Her eyes widens as she looked at someone behind me.

Or rather someone.

"Isn't she your boss?" I turn around.

Ire is leaning on the door frame with a blank expression.

"Can't you answer my question miss?"

"N--nneka" Wow so she can stutter.

Ire walked fully inside.

"Nneka, Adaeze here is your boss and whatever she tells you to do, you must do, am I clear?" He asked.

"Yes sir"

"Same goes to all of you, if ever Adaeze or lara reports disobedience or any stupid act, I won't hesitate in sacking you" Ire stated.

"Yes sir" They all said.

Ire pulled me out of the production room to my office. He closed the door behind him, leaving me and him inside. Why does the atmosphere feel hit even with the A.C on?

"Is that how she always behave?" He asked once I sat on my seat.

"Not really" I answered.

"That's a lie, if she ever repeats that attitude again tell me" He said

"Don't worry I can handle her" I replied even though I know I can't "Don't you have work?" Hurt flashed in ire's eyes but he covered it up. "I don't mean it that way, it's still working hours"

"I understand, I was bored so I was looking for a friend to talk to" He replied.

I didn't respond to that.

"Are you busy tonight?" He asked


"With who and don't say Stella cause she told me she is going on a date"

"I have friends" I replied

"Stella is your only friend" He stated.

"Who told you that?" I narrowed my eyes at him to show him how angry I am with what he said.

"I know"

"Well, books are my friends and my bed is also my friend" I stated.

He sighed, I'm surely winning this game.


I walked out of the kitchen and sat in front on the couch. Have you seen a Nigerian movie where on person would kill more than fifty people at a time?, well that's what I'm watching.

Stella left a while ago for her date refusing to tell me who her date with is, but I suspect it is demilade, ire's brother.

There's a knock on the door. I wonder who that is, maybe one of Stella's visitors. I hesitated before opening the door, there's a bunch of flower layer down on the floor with a card attached to it, I carried it inside before closing the door.

It was rose, my favorite. I spent part of my life in a house full of gardens with all manner of flowers but rose has always been my favorite.

Stella is the only one that knows I love rose so she's definitely the one who sent it. We had a little fight before she left, so this must be her method of apologising. I drop the flower and opened the letter. It reads:

My sunshine,

Sorry for today, I was planning on coming over but was held up in a meeting. I heard you love roses so I got one specially packed up for you. I hope you love it.

                                                                                       Your friend.

It can't be Stella, then who is it?


"Mike, thank you for the jokes I'm happy now" I said to Mike one of the workers. He has been trying to flirt with me since I started working here.

"No, I have more" He replied

"Thank you and aren't you going home?" I asked since it is getting late and ire's hasn't come to pick me. Yes, he insists on taking me home everyday since the distance from his house isn't far from mine.

"No, you would be lonely" Mike said. He stood up and pulled me along sith him. "Let's dance",

"I can't dance"

"I will teach you" He replied.

He held me by my waist while I place my hands on his shoulders, but I'm not comfortable with this position. He started singing which is funny while we moved our body, more like he did.


"Sorry" I muttered. This is like the third time I'm stepping on him with my heels. Poor guy, I warned him.

The clearing of a throat made us to disengage. I turned to the door.


Thanks for the 1000 reads, I'm grateful.


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