TWENTY-NINE: Family Reunion

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An: I'm alive :)


"What are you doing?" I asked once I entered her room. Some books were on her bed.

"I'm reading. The jamb exam is fast approaching" she answered.

"Oh, when is that?"

"In a month time"

"Well done" I complement


"Reading. I'm happy you want to continue your education" I said. I shifted a textbook and sat on the couch.

"I've always wanted to continue schooling, just that I never had an opportunity to"

"Don't worry, in about four years and some months, you would be a graduate and own of one the largest restaurant in Nigeria"

She chuckled "who told you that?"

"I know, you are hardworking and one day you would get there" I said.

I will make that happen, I promise.

"Thanks for believing in me" she replied.

"No need for that. By the way you don't have to continue working till you finish your exam"

She shook her head "No no, I can take advantage of this situation. I can read whenever I come back from work"

I sighed knowing where this conversation was heading to. "You are not taking advantage of anything"

"I can cope, I will continue working. It's useless paying me when I'm not happy" she said.

"If you say so"


Adaeze pov

The Jean trousers I'm wearing isn't helping matters. If I say I'm nervous, that would be an understatement. I sat in ire's car hoping that this journey would take forever, but looks like we were getting closer.

I'm not feeling the air conditioner cause all part of my body is evaporating heat. Ire noticed it and took my hand which laid on my laps.

He gave it a tight squeeze "we talked about this and you agreed to meet them right?"

"Yes" I said.

We ate going to visit my parents, my long lost parent. "But we can visit the later, you know?" I suggested.

"Too late, you have been postponing this visit. Your parents have been looking forward to this day, give them a chance to explain themselves"

"I'm scared " I stated.

"Don't be. I promise not to leave your side while you are with them and if you don't fell comfortable tell me, we'll leave" he replied.

I hummed in response. Ire stooped the car in front of a gate, the fence of the house is low including the gate, this is an expensive estate so I don't expect less.

As if waiting for our arrival, the gate man opened the gate and ire drove in.

Ire was about to get down when I stooped him "wait!, I want to breathe" I said.

He waited while I did my so called breathing.

"I'm done" I said.

I narrowed my eyes at him when I saw he  was trying to shuffle a smile. He got down and came over your my side to open the door.

"Thanks" I said after getting down. I scanned the compound, it's large but not like ire's. I wasn't surprised when I saw the garden, it brought back memories.

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