TWO: Past.

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Adaeze pov

"I'm set" After dusting the invisible dust off the collar of my shirt, I ran off to meet my mother. "Mom, where are the people you said were going to adopt me today" She stopped what she was  doing and looked up at me.

"Ada" She rubbed the back of her palm on my cheek "they changed their mind" She said watching my expression.

I wanted to cry.

"Why?" That was the word that came out of my mouth. Seven year old me has stayed in this orphanage home and I'm tired of it.

"Adaeze, please not now" She looked at something over my shoulder "Why don't you go play with those kids"

Turning around, I saw the people who makes my days at the orphanage horrible. They were the reasons I wanted to leave

"No mother, they don't like me" I said clinging unto her. I did not want to play with them.

"Shhhhh, stop acting like a baby and go play with them" She picked up some stuffs and walked into one of the rooms.

"Hey monkey" One of the boys, John, called out as he walked over to me with his friends. This was definitely not good.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to act brave. In a while,  that braveness would be gone.

He laughed along with his friends. I wanted to pick up a stone and throw it into his skull but they were much than me and I also cannot fight.

"A couple came to adopt you but they saw to you look like a monkey, they had to run away" He friends laughed along with him.

Was that even funny?

"I have a name so stop calling me monkey or......" I threatened before he interrupted.

"Or what" one of the boys, asher, interrupted. He stepped forward, my left leg moved back.

"Or she's gonna tell mother" one kid sing-song. They starting laughing again making me want to cry. They were always attacking me and there was nothing I could do.

"Monkey" One kid who was taller than his age added.

"Monkey "

"Stop" I screamed as tears were beginning to roll down my face

"Monkey" They kept on chanting

"That's not my name, no no no" I kept on screaming




I tried pushing them away as they kept on calling me monkey

"Ada!" Someone was shaking me as I kept on screaming. I fought hard against the person.

"Adaeze, wake up it's a dream"

I forcefully opened my eyes to see a worried looking Stella. She was by the side of the bed watching me.

"Stella" It came out as a whisper

"It's just a nightmare" She walked over to the bedside drawer and gives me a glass of water "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No" I replied almost immediately. I couldn't tell Stella about my past, I'm afraid she would leave just like the rest. She is the only friend I've got and I'm not planning on losing her, not now or ever.

If i tell her about my life, my monsters would take her away just like the rest. I know it isn't fair by keeping it to myself but I hope she would understand at the end. I felt the bed deepen besides me as I was engulfed into a tight hug.

" It's okay, I understand" She paused " I wold listen whenever you are ready to tell me"

"I-i can't breathe" She laughed as she released me.

"So, what would you like for breakfast?" She asked. I love the fact that she didn't push me into telling her what I didn't want to.

I sighed "Nothing, I don't feel hungry" The look on her face told me she wasn't having it. Next I know, she was pulling me out of the room.


It was Friday and also my day off at the bakery. I worked at the eatery Stella started. Her parents were wealthy but she rejected all of their money as she wanted to be independent. I still remember the day I got a job.

That morning was just like the normal days where I went through same routine, searching for jobs. It had been a long day and my legs were giving out as I spotted a small eatery across the street.

Entering the eatery, I was greeted with the warmth. Everywhere looked cozy and beautiful. It wasn't classy neither was it looking bad, it looked  just like the perfect place one would stay and forget all about his problems.

I walked slowly towards a table beside the window, it has a good view of the outside world. The outside world that has refused to accept me for who I am, the outside world that discriminates, the outside world that looks down on poor people, the outside world that most things are not gotten through hardwork but by luck.

I let out a sigh as I looked up to see one of the waiters smiling tiredly at me. That smile looked like one that has been there all day but it did not look forced.

"Good day ma'am, welcome to Stella's food, I'm Lola your waiter for today" She said as she handed a paper which contained a list of the food they had.

"Thanks" I replied as I collected the book

"I would call you when I'm ready to order" I said flashing her a smile. In reality, I had no money with me so I knew that I was not going to order anything.

"Okay ma" She replied as she began to walk away.

"Wait!" She halted. I hadn't realised I was the one that spoke until she turned around.

"Yes ma'am"

How should I start?

"I was just wondering if I could speak to your boss" I said slowly.

Hey, it's currently 1:14 am but I had to update.
Happy Halloween to you all, much love from here👯😙

Xoxo Flourish ❤

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