You Are The Perfect Drug

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Marilyn's P.O.V

What have I done? Why did I do that to Trent? He did not even do anything. Now that I am sober I realize all my mistakes that I did. I need to talk to him. I got out of my house and started heading to le pig. When I got there I saw a sign that said that the house is for sale. " Nonono. This can't be happening. Did I kill him?" I said. But then I remember Robin coming in and saving him. Maybe he just moved so I can't find him. F***! What have I done? I really need to talk to Twiggy. I started running to Twiggy's house. Then I went up to his door and knocked on it. Then he opened it. " Hi Mari. Come in." Twiggy said with a sweet smile. I don't deserve him at all. Not a crazy high b*** like me. Well I am sober right now. " What is going on? Is everything ok?" Twiggy asked. " No. I hate myself and Trent hates me. He even moved somewhere else to get away from me since I attacked him while I was high that other night." I said. Then I started showing my weakness by crying. But it was fine if I cried in front of Twiggy, he takes care of me and loves me like a mother would for their children. Not the sexual type of love. But the type of love that mothers give for their children. " Hey, Mari. It will be ok. We can find a solution to this. Aren't you friends with one of Trent's close friends?" Twiggy asked. " I guess I can ask him where Trent lives." I said. " Who is it?" Twiggy asked. " It is Chris. Chris Vrenna. Him and I are friends." I said. " Go talk to him then. You can tell me what happened later ok?" Twiggy said. " Alright Twiggs." I said. " Thank you." I said. " Of course. Now go before it is too late." Twiggy said. Then I started heading to the bar that Chris usually is at on this time of the day. He drinks a lot. So that makes it so much easier. I walked in and spotted Chris flirting with a girl. " Hey, he has a small dick." I said. Then she looked disgusted and walked away. " What the hell man?!" Chris said. " Sorry, but I need to talk to you." I said. " What the f*** do you need to talk to me about that you need to make a girl not have sex with me?!" He asked. He is gross. " Do you know where Trent lives?" I asked. " Yeah, he didn't tell you where he moved last week?" He asked. " No because I was too busy." I lied. " Well here I will write it down just in case some fan girls are stalking." He said. Then he gave it to me. " Thank you so much." I said. " Of course. If you are there to help Trent's mental health then I will do anything to help him. It is what friends do and I know that you and him are friends." He said. " What is happening to him?" I asked. " He is starting to get depressed. He cried sometimes and he even throws tables at walls. That is what Danny told me." He said. Then he started drinking his beer. What the hell have I done? I need to try to fix this. I looked at the address and we t to my house and got in my car. I started driving to the street that his new house is in and then I finally arrived. I went up to the front door and knocked on it. Robin opened the door and looked angry to see me here. " How did you find his house?" Robin asked. He was glaring at me. " Look dude. I know you are mad at me and probably hate me but I need to fix this. I came for Trent." I said calmly. " You didn't answer my f***** question!" Robin yelled. " Robin? What is going on? Who is there?" Trent asked. Then he came and saw me. He looked sad and frustrated. " What the hell are you doing here? How did you find this address?" Trent asked. " I will tell you later but I need to talk to you Trent. Just please listen to me." I said. Then Robin glanced down at Trent giving him a "don't listen to him" face. " I will hear you out." Trent said. " What? Why will you listen to him?" Robin whispered. " Because I think he is sober right now." Trent whispered. Robin just glared at me and moved back letting me in. " You are welcome in here. But you better not do anything bad to him or you will regret it. Do you understand?!" Robin said. I nodded. " Good." Robin said. Then I went in Trent's living room. It looks nice. " What do you need to tell me?" Trent said. " I am so sorry for what I did to you. I f***** hate myself for doing that to you. I just want you to know that I am so sorry and I was high at that time. I didn't mean anything I said or did. Can we still be friends?" I asked. Trent was just silent getting deep into thought. " I will give you a second chance. But please. I beg you to stop doing drugs. It was so wrong of me back then to introduce you to those nasty toxic things. Now you have to suffer like I did because of my mistake. Please stop now before it is too late for you Brian." He said. Then he started crying. Seeing him cry broke my heart. " Please. Don't cry Trent. I hate to see you cry." I said. I lifted up his chin so he can look at me. With my other hand I wiped his tears away. " Please Brian. I don't want to lose you. You are very important to me." Trent said. Then I just hugged him and let him rest his head on my chest. " Please. Don't listen to my shitty high self. Listen to the real me right now. I will always care deeply about you, even if you took my opportunity to create the whole soundtrack for that movie but who gives a shit about it anyway? You are more important to me than that f**** soundtrack." I said. " Do you mean it?" Trent asked. " Yes. I do." I said. Then Trent looked happy. " Thank you. I needed this." Trent said. Then I started to get up to go grab a beer but Trent stopped me. " No beer. Let's just stay sober." Trent said. " Alright." I said. Then I heard Robin walking away to give us privacy. I started rubbing Trent's back to comfort him. Then he cuddled closer to me. Ever since I met him I knew that I loved him. That we were meant to be. That is why I listened to him. Even with the drugs. I thought doing drugs with him would make him happy but it made our relationship go downhill a little while after that. But now that Trent is cuddling with me I can see that I still have a chance with him. We can still be together one day. I kissed his forehead and looked at his eyes. " Trent. I have a confession to tell you." I said. " What is it?" Trent asked. I got a little nervous but then I just said it, " Ever since the night of my lame concert, I have felt something I never felt before with you. I felt that I must do what ever it takes to keep you happy and even if it meant doing drugs with you. I wanted you to smile. Enjoy yourself and have fun. Now I realize that the reason why I did that is because I love you Trent. You mean the world to me. If I ever hurt you again I will kill my self for you so you won't suffer anymore because of me. You mean the whole world to me Trent. And it is ok if you are not gay and you don't love me. I understand." I said. " Brian. I love you too. The reason why I cared so much about your health instead of being scared of you or hating you is because I love you too. I felt so ashamed of my self to introduce you to drugs. I am sorry for that. I was high during that time. I promise I will never do that again." Trent said. " Hey. It's ok. There is nothing to worry about anymore." I said. Then I started getting closer to Trent and then we started kissing. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I put my arms around his waist. I heard the door open and I saw Danny enter. " Holy shit! You guys are together!? Oh my god! Robin!!!!!" Danny yelled. " What the f*** Danny! What is it?!" Robin yelled. Then Trent and I started laughing. "Danny and Robin are so hilarious." I said. " Oh trust me it is different all the time." Trent said. Then we just started laughing and we put on the TV and I put in a casete tape of a concert of The Cure. One of Trent's favorite bands. We were singing along to their songs and dancing the whole time. But I think I heard moaning in another room. I am not sure right now but I think I heard it. 

Marilyn's P.O.V

I woke up and I thought Trent was with me but I realized. That is was all a dream. He would never forgive me that fast. I got up. Went to the bathroom and started cutting myself with a razor.

Annnnnd that is the end of this chapter! I know I know you are probably like WTF just happened? Don't mad at me lol. They are not getting together that fast, that is not how I write my stories. It must be slow and a bit dramatic. Yes so you should be expecting some drama coming up in these next chapters. Bye!

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now