I Just Want Something I Can Never Have

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Marilyn's P.O.V

I started waking up and I saw that I was in a hospital. I also saw Twiggy sleeping on a chair in this room with dried up tears staining his face. What the f**** happened? " T-t-twiggy? Is...everyt-thing ok?" I asked. Then Twiggy woke up and looked so happy. " Mari! You're awake!" Twiggy said. Then Twiggy gently hugged me. " You scared me Mari. I thought you actually died." Twiggy cried. I just wiped of Twiggy's tears. " Hey. I am not dead. You don't have to cry or worry about me." I said. " I am sorry." Twiggy said. " For what?" I said. " Trent and Robin came by to see what happened but I slapped Trent and then they left." Twiggy cried. " Hey. You don't have to cry. I am actually surprised that Robin didn't beat the shit out of you." I said. " Well we were in a hospital. And they also know that I have no chance against them." Twiggy said. Then a nurse came in and saw me. She ran and then came back with some doctors. " You're awake! Now we have to make sure your body is ok." The nurse said. Then they checked my heart. Then after that they checked my lungs. They checked my blood pressure. Then they gave me a cup. " Pee in this to see if your kidneys are ok." The doctor said. I nodded and went to the bathroom. Then I started pissing in the cup. I came back with a fully filled cup. The nurse took it and left. " So far you are healthy. But your heart is still a little weak. We will check on your kidneys in just a sec." The doctor said. Then they all left. " So I have to spend more days in this shitty hospital." I said. Then Twiggy giggled. "You are funny. Yes you will stay in the hospital for one more day. " Alright sir. Your kidneys are healthy." The nurse said. " So can I leave this place?" I asked. " Actually yes. Just be careful and try not to kill yourself. I will have Twiggy always make sure you are ok." The Nurse said. Then Twiggy gave me my clothes and I got dressed. Then he led me out of the hospital. " I guess I was wrong. I can't wait to show you this!" Twiggy said. Then Twiggy showed me his new car. It was a mustang. " You finally got a car??" I asked. " Yes I did." Twiggy said. Then Twiggy and I went in the new car and Twiggy started driving. Then we arrived at my house. " Hey Twigs" I said. " Yes Mari?" Twiggy asked. " How is Trent doing?" I asked. Then Twiggy looked sad. " He...isn't doing well. I talked to Danny and he told me that he is depressed and throwing furniture at walls and screaming all the time now." Twiggy said. " What??" I said. " Yeah. He isn't well." Twiggy said. " Do you know where he lives?" I asked. "No." Twiggy said. Then I just started running out of my house and I looked all over the town I live in to find any clue of where Trent lives. Then I just remembered my dream. Maybe I can ask Chris. I started running to the bar and I saw him there. I went up to him. " Hey. Do you know where Trent lives?" I asked. " I won't tell you. You sick bastard!" He yelled. " I don't want to fight you." I said. " Well maybe that is how it has to be." Chris said. Then he started charging at me but I pushed him down and punched his face. " Just tell me where the f**** he lives!! I need to help him!!" I yelled. " Oh yeah! Well you have helped him enough already!!" Chris yelled. Then he punched my face. I grabbed Chris and hit the weakest spot on his leg. " Ahhhh!" He yelled in pain. Then I punched his face. His nose was bleeding and it made his face full of blood. His leg was also shaking from the shock. " F*** You! This is why I won't tell you where he lives! All you do is hurt people!" Chris yelled. " Shut the f*** up!!" I yelled. Then I punched him on the face one more time and he passed out. " This could have gone much easier." I said. Then I just searched his pockets and saw a thing with all the addresses and phone numbers of his friends. Then I saw Trent's address and phone number there. "Perfect." I said. Then I walked out of the bar and people cheered for me since I won the fight. I had some blood coming out my nose. Twiggy is gonna be pissed. I started heading back and went in my house. Twiggy immediately ran up to me. " Where have you been!? What the f*** happened to you?! Why are you bleeding??" He asked. " I was in a bar fight. I fought Chris since he wanted to and I also got Trent's address and phone number." I said. " Well that is strange." Twiggy said. " I will go to Trent's house as soon as I wake up tomorrow." I said. Then I headed to the bathroom and cleaned off the blood. I headed to my room and laid down on my bed. " I will come to you soon Trent. I am sorry. I hope I will help you feel better." I whispered. Then I went to sleep.

Sorry if I took a little long. Maybe I won't update every day. Bye!

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now