Bonus: Just Like Heaven

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Listen to the song above. This song reminds me of someone entering heaven, trust me, it is a beautiful song. Also remember, Trent, Brian, and Coraline are dead. So this will take place in the afterlife. ;) 

Trent's P.O.V

I woke up from the darkness. Blinded by light. When my eyes adjusted I saw that I was standing on clouds. I also had white feathered wings and a halo on my head. Wait a minute. I am dead. So this means that, I am in heaven. So it is real. Then I realized, Brian and Coraline might be here! I started walking up to the golden gate. Another angel was there with a checklist. " Name?" She asked. " Micheal Trent Reznor. You can call me Trent." I said. " Birthday?" She asked. " May 17th, 1965." I said. Then I saw her looking at my life. " So you committed suicide?" She asked. " Yes. I did it because my husband and daughter died because of me." I said. " Never blame yourself for things. God has his reasons for natural deaths. But it was certainly not you or your husbands time yet. Not even your daughters." She said. " Then why did she die naturally if god has his reasons?" I said. I was starting to get angry. This is bullshit. " I killed myself because my daughter died and I had nobody to live for anymore." I said. " You actually did. Your friends Robin, Danny, Chris, Atticus, Mariqueen, Jeordie, Pogo, Zim Zum, Ilan, and Alessandro." She said. Then I just realized. Me killing myself must have hurt them really bad. What have I done? I started to panic. " Do not worry, your friends will not commit suicide. They will wait until it is their time to join you and your husband." She said. " Ok. Then I am ready to enter heaven." I said. She nodded. Then the gates opened for me. I started walking, but then I realized that I could fly now. So I started to flap my wings and I flew in there. " Oh and one more thing." She said. I turned to face her. " You can turn to any age you want. You can turn older or younger. And back to the age you died as." She said. I got excited. I can be young again! " Thank you ma'am." I said. She smiled and then the gates closed. This is it. This will be my forever home. Heaven. I started looking for Brian, David, and Coraline. I knew that Brian and Coraline would be with David. But how do I find David? Then I ran into someone. " Sorry." I said. " It is ok." The man with an Argentinian accent said. " It looks like you are looking for someone. My name is Gustavo Cerati by the way." He said. " I am Trent Reznor. Are you a musician?" I asked. " Yes. I am a rockero." He said. " Well a rockstar." He said. " That is cool! I am looking for David Bowie. Do you know him?" I asked. " Do I know him? Of course I do!" Gustavo said. " You are a fan?" I asked. " Of course! Who isn't?" Gustavo said. " Do you know where he is?" I asked. " Yes. I do actually." Gustavo said. " Follow me." He said. Then he flew up north. I flew up too and I started following him. Then he took me to a bar in heaven. It looked like a normal bar. But this bar was for musicians only. We both entered and people looked shocked to see me. They all started whispering while looking at me. What the hell is going on? Then I saw David but he looked like how he was in 1997. Then I remembered I can change my age. I made myself look like how I did in 1994. I saw my muscles disappear into a thin chest. And my hair free way longer. My beard also went away. Then I came up to David. " David?" I asked. My voice seems different too! " Trent? Why are you here so soon?" He asked with a shocked expression. " I uh. It's a long story." I said. " Tell me what happened." David asked concerned. " Fine. I committed suicide." I said. I whispered the last part. " You did what?!" He yelled. He looked disappointed. " Trent. Why?!" He asked. Then he hugged me. " Brian killed himself. Then Coraline had a heart attack and died." I said. " I know that those deaths were horrible. But you could have continued living!" David said. " Living without you guys? I don't see myself living without my lover and only child!" I said. Then I started crying. " Where are they?" I asked. " Actually they just left to visit you in the living world. They are looking for you." David said. " Is there a way to call people here?" I asked. " Yes, there is." David said. He gave me a phone. I mentally face palmed myself. David chuckled as if he read my mind. I just rolled my eyes and realized, how the hell will I call him if I am not sure what his number is? " What is his number?" I asked. Look in my contacts. Then I looked and started calling him. " Hello?" Brian said. " Brian?" I asked. Then he was silent for a few seconds. " David. Stop trying to prank me. I will not fall for it. I am heading over there anyways. I can't find Trent anywhere." Brian said. " Brian. It is me. Trent." I said. " David, I already told you. The prank won't work on me." Brian said teasingly. " I will be there in a few minutes ok?" He said. " Ok." I said. Then he hung up. I waited for him to come. Then him and Coraline came. I hid behind David. I felt very shy. Ugh, maybe it is because I am younger right now. But I peeked my head out a little behind David. " Hey David." Brian said smiling. " Hey Brian. I have bad news, but it is good in the same time." David said. " What is it?" Brian asked concerned. " Come out." David said to me. I felt scared. How will Brian react?! " Let me guess. Twiggy died." Brian said. " No. worse." David said. Then he pulled me out from behind him. Brian looked shocked. " So that was you on the phone." Brian said. He looked disappointed. " I thought I told you to not come here until it was your time." Brian said. " I know. I just had to. I had no reason to-" " Shut up!" Brian yelled. Then he started kissing me. I was shocked to feel his lips against mine again. But then I melted into the kiss. " Um guys. You know I am right here right?" Coraline said. Then we both stopped. I immediately hugged Coraline and started crying. " My beautiful baby." I said. Then Brian joined the hug. And so did David. All of our wings wrapped ourselves. " I missed you all so much." I said. Then we broke the hug. I saw Gustavo smoking in the corner of the bar. " Thank you for leading me here Gustavo." I said. He just smiled at me. " Anytime. It was no problem." Gustavo said. Then  he started flying away. " How about we go to the movies all together like we used to?" Brian said. Then I realized. Brian looks like how he did in the beginning of his band. Without makeup since it is heaven after all. Plus he is not an anti-Christ since anymore. I started blushing since he looks like how he did the night I met him. " Yeah! Let's all go to the movies!" Coraline said. I smiled. Happy that we are all together again. 

Third Person P.O.V

Then the four of them started flying off. Trent and Brian holding hands. They were all together once again. Happy forever. And will always be there for each other.

The end, officially officially. This was just a bonus chapter for those who wanted to see how it is in the afterlife for Trent and Brian. I know that this was all unexpected. But I hope that you enjoyed my book. I will never forget how wonderful it was writing this and I thank you readers for reading my book. :) goodbye for now! I will work on my Trent Reznor x David Bowie book now. ;) 

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now