I Hurt Myself Today

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Like I said. Warning ⚠️ It will be dark. So if you are someone that gets triggered by dark stuff like for example, suicide, then I guess don't read. 

Brian's P.O.V

I can't live anymore. If I live any longer Trent will become more disappointed by what I have done and might not love me anymore. I don't want to go through that pain. I hid behind a tree in the forest with a rope in my hands. I waited for Trent to find me so I..c-can say goodbye to him. I started crying thinking of how Trent will react to what I will do. Then Trent found me. " Brian! What the hell is going on?! Why are you running?!" Trent asked concerned. " Trent. I want you to know that I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you. And I will even love you in death." I said while caressing his cheek. " B-Brian. Why are you saying this?" Trent asked while a tear slipped down his cheek. Then I just started kissing him. He started kissing back passionately. We were making out for a while. Then I stopped. " Goodbye Trent. I will always love you. This is not about you. I am doing this because of your future with me if I stay alive. They will hurt you. I don't want that for you or Coraline." I said. " Brian! No! Please don't do this to me!" Trent yelled. " Please take care of Coraline for me. Also, never forget how much I love you." I said. Then I kissed his cheek and I climbed up the tree. With the rope around my neck. " I love you beautiful." I said. Then I let myself hang while the last thing I saw was Trent. Then everything went black. 

Trent's P.O.V

I immediately started calling 911. I took the rope off of Brian but he looked pale. He was not breathing at all either. Not a single heartbeat heard from his frail body. I started sobbing. I felt so hurt. I never felt this hurt in my life. Why Brian? Why did you have to? Why couldn't I stop him? Then the ambulance came. But they were too fucking late. He was just there. Dead. I cried thinking of our last kiss we had. And his last words to me. They put his corpse in a bag. Then they took him away. "Brian! No!" I cried. I pinched myself, hoping this was some sort of fucked up nightmare. He can't do this to me. Not now. Then Mariqueen came and she saw me. " Oh my god Trent! What happened?!" She said concerned. " B-Brian is dead! He committed suicide! He said he did it to protect me from himself!" I cried. She hugged me hoping to comfort me. I continued crying. Oh shit. What will I tell Coraline. Mariqueen gave me a ride back to my house. When I was there I saw Atticus waiting for me. " Trent? Are you ok? You look like shit." He said. " Yeah no shit." I said. " What the bloody hell happened?" Atticus asked. " Brian committed suicide." I said. Then I started crying again. My heart felt like it had shattered into pieces. Atticus looked shocked. " Why would he do that?" He asked. " Did you see the news? People are suing him of sexual abuse that he did way before he met me. He felt like all of this will affect me because of him. That is what he told me before...he h-hung himself." I said. Then Coraline came outside. " Mom? What happened?!" She asked. "And where is dad? He came with you right? Did you guys break up?!" She asked. " No. It is worse." I said. I don't want to tell her but she would find out eventually without me even telling her. " Your father he...he passed away." I said softly. She looked shocked. " How?! What the hell happened?! Are you pranking me?! Please tell me that you are joking!!" She cried. " I am not joking." I said. She started sobbing. She went on the floor. Mariqueen tried to comfort her. Then she started hyperventilating. I started hugging Coraline, holding her in my arms. Rubbing her back while I also sobbed on her shoulder. " How did he die mom?!" She cried. " I don't know if you are ready to hear this." I said. " Please mom! I need to know the truth." She said. " Fine. H-he committed s-suicide." I said. Then she started sobbing even harder. " Dad! Why?! Why did you do it dad?!" She cried. Then I felt her get weaker. " Coraline?" I asked. I saw something was wrong. Mariqueen started panicking. " Oh no! Stay strong Coraline!" Mariqueen yelled. Then I just realized what was happening. This is all my fault. If I did not tell her the truth, she wouldn't have gotten a heart attack. And if I never mentioned the news to Brian today, he would have never committed suicide. This is all my fault. I should be dead not Brian! Then an ambulance came and put Coraline on life support. I went in the ambulance with her and Mariqueen and Atticus followed. When we went to the hospital Twiggy, Robin, and their son George came. They all looked very upset. " Oh my god! Trent are you ok?!" Robin asked. " N-no. I am not ok. My husband died because of me and my daughter is dying because of me. Maybe if I kept my mouth shut none of this would be happening!" I yelled. Then I started crying. I felt as broken as the time when Brian was beating me up. Except this time, I was even more broken, and our poor daughter is suffering through my pain now. Then I heard her start to wake up. " Mom..." she said. " Thank god! Your awake!" I said. " Mom. I don't feel good." Coraline said. " Stay strong Coraline. I know you can fight it! You are a strong young woman." I said. " I know mom. I always appreciated everything that you and dad did for me. I love you guys so much. You are the best mother anyone can ask for. Even if you are not exactly a woman." Coraline said. I chuckled at her last comment. " I love you too sweetie. I always will be there for you." I said. " I know you will." She said. She smiled. But then her heart rate started getting faster. " Coraline? No! Please don't leave me!!" I cried. But she didn't respond. Then her heart rate went to a flat line. Doctors and nurses came in trying to save her. But she didn't wake up. " No!!! Coraline! My baby!" I cried. I was holding onto her limp body. Seeing her pale face and feeling her ice cold skin. " No please! I can't lose you too! Not in the same day!" I cried. Then I felt Robin, Mariqueen, and Atticus comforting me. 

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now