Are You Less Than?

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18 years later...

Brian's P.O.V

I woke up crying. Why? Because Coraline our only child is going to turn 18 today! I feel like I am so old and a little fat. Trent on the other hand is muscular now and still handsome. I wish that I still looked like how I did in the 90s. But now it is 2017 and there is no flying cars existing like I thought it would in 2015. Back to the Future lied to everyone. It was just a movie anyway. Then Trent woke up. He looked a bit bigger than me now but I was still taller. The muscles are the only thing that make him look bigger. " Good morning honey." Trent said. " Good morning." I said smirking. Trent was confused at first but then he realized that he was shirtless. " Oh so you are looking at my muscles" Trent smirked. " Fuck yeah." I said. Trent just chuckled. I went very close to him and started kissing him. He kissed back. Then we started making out with each other. Then we heard the door open. It was Coraline. We both immediately stopped. " Please knock next time Coraline." I said. " Sorry guys. I just forgot something in here." Coraline said. Then she grabbed her choker and started heading out. " Sorry." She said. Then she left. Trent started putting on a grey muscle shirt. I remember that day that I thought he was going to cheat on me. It was that day that I knew that he truly loves me.


The year 2007...

Trent has an idea to form a side project band called How to Destroy Angels. He wanted a woman lead singer and he was also going to include his best bud Atticus Ross. He was having many women audition but still couldn't find the one he wants. Then this tall woman came in. She had straight black hair, mocha colored skin, dark brown eyes, and she was beautiful. " What is your name?" Trent asked. " Mariqueen Maandig." Mariqueen smiled. " Alright. I need you to sing anything you would like to sing. I don't need you to be perfect. Just sing in your natural voice." Trent said. Then she started singing Enjoy the Silence from Depeche Mode. Then after she sang a little of that song Trent looked amazed. " You are the one. Welcome to the band." Trent smiled. " Oh my god really? Thank you so much!" Mariqueen said. Then she hugged him. Then he hugged her back. Then they both let go. Seeing them hug made me kind of jealous. Then they were talking the whole day. " So are you married?" Mariqueen asked. " Yes. I am married." Trent said. " To who?" Mariqueen asked. " Brian." Trent said. Then she looked happy. " Wow. I shipped you guys too. Go Manzor!" Mariqueen said. Trent and I just chuckled. " I am so happy for you guys!" Mariqueen said. " Yeah. We got married in the 90s." I said. " Wow. You guys really want to keep your life private." Mariqueen said. " Well we want it to be as normal as possible." Trent said. Then  we both looked into each other's eyes and started kissing.

End of Flashback...

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man / woman as my husband. Then we both started heading out of our room and we took out Coraline's b-day gifts. 

Trent's P.O.V

I had two presents in my hand for Coraline. One of them was one that David bought for her before he died. He said to give it to her on her 18th b-day. The year before he died. He said he knew that he was going to die soon. I miss him so much. I felt a tear come out of my eye. Then Brian kissed me on the cheek. " I miss him too." Brian said. Then I hugged him and cuddled my face into his chest. He was still very tall. Then we stopped hugging and went to Coraline's room. We both knocked on the door. " Come in." Coraline said. Then we both came in. " Happy 18th Birthday!" We both said. Then we both came up to her and gave her the gifts. Then she started opening Brian's first. When she opened it she saw a check of $40,000. " Wow. Thank you dad!" Coraline said. Then she hugged Brian. " It is for when you need to buy a car. If you need more money you will spend your money. I just gave you that to help you pay for a new car." Brian said. " I really appreciate it." Coraline said. She put the check down and then she started opening mine. When she opened it she took out the guitar case. Then she opened it and saw a beautiful grey Stratocaster fender. To be specific the name of the guitar is called an American Professional II Stratocaster. " Oh my god! This is a beautiful guitar! Thank you mom!" Coralina said. She was smiling. " Of course. I know you want to be a guitarist." I said. Then she put the guitar back in the case and started opening David's gift. It revealed a cassette tape. I got my Walkman and played the cassette. 


"Hey Coraline! It's me David. I know that I will not make it on your 18th birthday so I decided to record myself now to deliver this message to you in the future. Happy Birthday! Ever since we took you to that music store I knew that you had a passion for music ever since. So if you learn some instruments I think you would make some wonderful music. Remember Coraline, you are special. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Happy 18th  birthday Coraline! I hope you have a wonderful adulthood." 

Recording stops...

Coralina started crying happy tears. And Brian and I did too. " That was a beautiful gift. Thank you guys. You are the best!" Coraline said. Then she hugged both of us and we both hugged her. But then she looked back at David's gift and saw something else in there. She grabbed it and saw that he gave her some unreleased songs from him and an amazing guitar synthesizer. She started crying. Brian and I hugged her in comfort.

A Few Months Later...

Today I woke up and saw the news. In the news I saw people were talking about Brian. Why would they be talking about him? And where is he? I saw that people were sueing him of sexual abuse. No. He would have never done that. They must be lying. But there were many victims and they were mostly Brian's ex-wives. Holy shit. They are telling the truth. I started looking for Brian. " Brian! Honey where are you?!" I yelled. Then I saw him in our porch. Crying. " Brian. What is going on? They were talking about you on the news and your ex-wives are saying that you abused them. Is that true?" I asked. Brian didn't respond for a few seconds. Then he looked into my eyes and said " Yes. It is true. But that was a long time ago. I stopped when I met you." Brian said. I started tearing up. " Brian. Why did you do that?" I asked. " I don't fucking know ok?!" Brian yelled. I was startled for a second. I could tell that he was mentally in bad shape. " Brian. I am not mad. I just needed to know the truth." I said. " Why aren't you mad at me? Huh? Why don't you hate me?!" He yelled. " Because I love you Brian. I always have." I said while crying. " Well loving someone like me was a mistake. I am a monster! Why can't you see that?!" He yelled. " Brian Plea-" " No! Stay away from me! I will only hurt you!" He yelled. " You will not hurt me because of your past. You are hurting me by staying away from me!" I yelled crying. Brian then was silent for a few moments then he started running away. " Brian! Wait!!" I yelled. But he didn't stop. I kept on chasing him. But then, he disappeared.

That is a cliffhanger for the next chapter! I will warn you though, the next chapter will be pretty dark. I promise I will publish it soon!

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now