Something Inside of Me Has Opened Up It's Eyes

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6 Months Later...

Trent's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night with my underwear wet. I also felt pain. Wait. Am I in labor?! " Brian! Wake up! I think that I am in labor!!" I yelled. " Oh my god. But we can't go to the hospital. Wait. I have an idea." Brian said. Then he ran to the phone and started talking to someone on there. Then he hung up and came to me. " I hired a private doctor to come here. She will be on her way." Brian said. " Ok." I said. Then I felt more pain. " Fuck this hurts!!" I yelled.  Then just like that the doctor came in with all the medicines. " Ok. Now let's just wait until you are finished with being in labor and then you can give birth." The doctor said.  " O-ok!" I yelled in pain. I felt a lot of pain all over my lower half of me. 

Time skip...

Then it was time to give birth. " You got this Trent." Brian said. I was very nervous and I was holding onto Brian's hand. " Ok. You can start pushing." The doctor said. Then I pushed and kept pushing until our baby came out. Then I heard a baby crying. Thank god! She is finally out. " She is beautiful." Brian said. Then the doctor cut the chord that attached Coraline and I together. Then she handed Coraline to me. " Since you can't produce milk since you are intersexual you will have to give her warm milk every night. That is the only way to solve that issue. But other than that you guys will be fine if you raise her the right way." The doctor said. Then Brian paid her and told her to not tell anyone about this and she left. Then  Brian came to me with a big smile on his face. " We are parents." Brian said emotionally. Then he started crying happy tears. I let him lay down with me and we were both carrying Coraline in our arms. " I will never let anything bad happen to you Coraline. I promise." I said. Then Coraline fell asleep in our arms. Then Brian and I fell asleep too. 

A few months later...

Brian's P.O.V

Today Trent was going to finally do a Nine Inch Nails concert. It has been a year or more since the last time he did one. He was going to do the tour for his album the fragile. And we were going to perform Starfuckers Inc. together. I was going to do my make up like I did when I was a druggie for that concert just for the fans. Trent's grandpa was taking care of Coraline while we are gone. " Brian! Hurry! It is almost your time to perform!" Twiggy yelled. " Ok ok, I am ready." I said. Then the song that was playing finished and now Trent was playing Starfuckers inc. Then I went on the stage and started singing with him. After the short part of Starfuckers inc. we performed Trent and his band members started playing the beautiful people. The crowd was going wild and then I started singing.

After concert...

"You did an amazing job Trent." I said. " Thank you." He said while blushing. I realized that I was still shirtless. " I remember when you used to dress like that all the time." Trent said. " Yeah, but I am only doing this for concerts. I won't go out in public shirtless anymore. Especially when I have a beautiful husband." I said. Then I saw Trent's face get really red and then he came up to me and started kissing me. I started kissing back and then he stopped. " I love you." Trent said. " I love you too honey." I said. Then Twiggy and Robin came in and saw us. " Um guys. We need to pack up our instruments." Robin said. " oops. I forgot." Trent said. Then we both went to the dressing room and got dressed in our normal clothes. Then a fan came backstage. " Hello. I have a backstage pass and I always wanted to meet you Trent!" She said. Oh no. She better not try to seduce him. Then she took off her jacket and she was wearing a see through shirt with a black bras and very short shirts. Oh no she is trying to seduce him. I need to find Chris. 

Trent's P.O.V

" Come on Trent, I know that this makes you horny." She smirked. Then she started coming closer to me. " Um no thanks. What is your name?" I asked. " My name is Allison. And I have always found you to be very sexy." She said getting very uncomfortably close to me. Then I felt her breath on my neck and Brian and Chris came just in time. " Hey. Why are you going for that loser. He is married already. I can fuck you like an animal instead." Chris said. ( hehe, get it?) Then she went with Chris. " As long as you pay for my drinks at the bar." She purred seductively. " Alright, anything for you." Chris said. I knew that he would do anything just to fuck her. Then they left and Brian started kissing me immediately. I started kissing him back and we stayed like that until Robin came back to remind us. " Guys! We have to go! You can do all that stuff later! Hurry! Before the fans start coming!" Robin yelled. Then we all ran to the tour bus and started heading back home. 

The next day...

When we came home I ran straight to my grandpa and Coraline. " Grandpa! I am home." I said. Then he started hugging me. " Hey Mike." Grandpa said. " Please call me Trent now." I said. " Alright." He said. Then he handed Coraline to me. " Well Thank you so much for taking care of her for us grandpa." I said smiling. " Of course! I can take care of her whenever you want me to. She is a very calm child." Grandpa said. Then he started leaving and when he left Brian and I took Coraline in our room and we let Coraline sleep with us. " Goodnight honey." I said. " Goodnight my dark angel." Brian said. Then we all went to sleep.

 Sorry I took a little long with this. I just needed to find time to write this. Plus I was starting to work on my other book. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it is a little short. Bye!

I Was Like You ( Trent Reznor x Marylin Manson 90s )Where stories live. Discover now