I Won't Let You Fall Apart

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Trent's P.O.V

I woke up on the floor. I looked around and I saw a lot of my papers on the floor and some dents on my walls. The damage looked mild. " What the f***?" I murmured. Then I got up and started cleaning up and covering the dents with posters. " Much better." I said. Then I got dressed in a different out fit and got out of my room. When I went to the kitchen I served myself cereal. Then I heard someone knocking on the door. Maybe it's Danny. He is probably here to see Robin. I went to the front door and then I opened it. I saw Marilyn. I was shocked. " Marilyn?? You're ok!" I said. Then I hugged him. But then I backed away. " Sorry. You probably still hate me-" I said. Then Marilyn hugged me. " Please. Forgive me Trent." Marilyn said. I was speechless. " Marilyn I- of course I forgive you." I said. " Please call me Brian." Brian said. " I thought you hated to be called that." I said. " Not while I am sober." Brian said. " I heard about what you did. Why did you try tot  commit suicide?! If you died I would have killed myself too!" I yelled. Then I started crying. I felt Brian rubbing my back. " Please. Don't worry about me, now that you forgave me." Brian said. "Look. I am sorry. I was just pissed at you for doing drugs. I am still going to help you with your music." I said. " Thank you. For everything you have done for me." Brian said. " Of course. Now let's get in before any fan girls find out where I live." I said. Then we stopped hugging and we went in my house. I was about to tell Brian something but then I felt him grab me and kiss me passionately on the lips. I was shocked. But then he stopped. " I am sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." Brian said. Then I just kissed him passionately on the lips. Then I felt him kiss back. Then he pushed me against the wall while we were still kissing. Then he started to French kiss me. Then he carried me to my room and laid me down on my bed. He started taking off my clothes and his clothes. Then he started sucking on my neck and slowly started putting his dick in me. I started moaning. Then he started to thrust in me as I moaned louder. " B-Brian! I love you!" I moaned. " I love you too Trent." He moaned. Then he kept on thrusting harder. Then I felt like I was about to climax. Then we both released. After that he took his dick out of me and he started cuddling with me. " I will never hurt you anymore Trent. I promise." Brian said. " And I will never introduce you to things that will harm you ever again." I said. " Don't do those things either." Marilyn said. " Okay. I won't do drugs unless you join me and stop doing drugs too." I said. " I will stop. Only for you." Brian said. Then I started falling asleep. I felt him rub my back and heard him sing sweet dreams softly. Then I went to sleep.

Robin's P.O.V

I woke up and went to Trent's room to check on him. When I opened the door I saw Trent and Marilyn sleeping with each other completely naked. I felt my face get hot and I closed the door. I guess they worked it out with each other. I ran to my room and started dialing Twiggy's number. " Hello?" Twiggy said. " Hey Twiggy. Our plan worked! Marilyn and Trent are a couple now!" I said. " Really?! I am coming over there." Twiggy said. " Bye!" I said. " Bye!" Twiggy said. Then he hung up. A few minutes later someone started knocking on the door. I opened the door and I saw Twiggy standing there. " Come. Look." I said. Then I led Twiggy to Trent's room. I opened the door a little and let Twiggy see. Then I closed it quietly. " Wow. They really are together." Twiggy said. " Yeah. Well you want to do some yoga in my room?" I asked. " Sure." Twiggy said. Then we went in my room and I prepared it for yoga. Then I started teaching Twiggy some poses but then Twiggy lost balance and fell on me. I started blushing and I saw Twiggy blushing too. " Sorry." Twiggy said. " For what?" I asked. " For this." Twiggy said. Then he started kissing me passionately on the lips. I was shocked that he loved me back. But then I kissed back. We were making out for a few minutes but then I heard someone coming to my room. " Hide!" I whispered. Then Twiggy hid in the closet. " Hey Robin. I thought I heard you making out with a girl." Trent said. " Uh no I was just watching scream." I lied. " Robin. I know when you are lying. What will happen when I open...the closet!" Trent said. Then he opened the closet and saw Twiggy. " Wow. You guys are a couple?" Trent asked. " Yes. We are." I said. " I did not know that." Trent said. " Like how you and Brian are a couple." I said. " You know about that? But how??" Trent asked. " Well I saw you and Brian sleeping together in the room." I said. " So you and Twiggy are together. How long were you guys together?" Trent asked. " We just confessed." I said. " I probably ruined the moment. Sorry." Trent said. Then he left. And Twiggy and I continued what we started.

Marilyn's P.O.V

I woke up and I saw that Trent is gone. Where is he? Was this another dream? But then why am I naked and in Trent's room? No this must have really happened. I put on my clothes and started getting out of the room. When I got out Trent bumped into me. He looks cute. " Sorry! I didn't see where I was going!" Trent said. " It's alright. I was just looking for you." I said. " Oh sorry I left. I heard someone making out and I wanted to see who it was. Turns out Robin and Twiggy are a couple." Trent said. " They do make a cute and happy couple. Good for them." I said. Then I kissed Trent on his cheek and started heading to the kitchen to get some cereal. " Are you hungry?" I asked. " No. But thanks." Trent said. " Are you sure?" I asked. " Yeah. I ate before you came." Trent said. I ate my cereal and then washed the dishes. Then I went to the living room to join Trent. " You want to watch something?" I asked. " Sure. How about a David Bowie concert?" Trent said. " Of course!" I said. Then I put in the tape of the Bowie concert. Trent and I drank some wine together while watching it and we had a good time.

The End! No I am joking with you guys. It will end when I get to how they are in the present.  They still need to get married and adopt kids. oops. Spoiler. Well you will see. Another couple will get married too! Well Bye!

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