Chapter 7

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The guests parted ways as we walked to the Ballroom. The reporters were sneaking to get by our sides, most of them trying no to step on the train of my gown. They shoved their microphones to our lips, trying to snatch any bribe of conversation. Questions fused from everywhere.

As it is tradition here, the hosts must open the Ball. We were the hosts. It would be the first time I would attend a ball not as a guest. The other nobles formed a circle around us to create a dance floor. Chris took my hand to bring me closer to him. Hand in hand, the warmth of his other hand pressed against my waist. I grabbed a corner of my skirt and he started spinning us around as the music rose.

I couldn't see our feet, hidden beneath my skirt as we spun around and around. I had to trust my training and trust Chris to lead me through the room. He released his hold on my waist and twirled me away from him. As I came back toward him, it gave the signal to other couples that it was time for them to join us. The song ended and we curtsied to each other.

The other dancers stayed for the next song but we went up to the platform where Chris's mother smiled at us with her proud, motherly expression. "You look royally perfect."

I dropped to the ground with my skirts pooling around me like a bloody, sparkling river. "Thank you, Your Majesty." She had chosen a navy blue dress, shining like a clear night sky. She suddenly glanced over my shoulder to a tall man dressed in a purple dress shirt and black suit. The first thing I noticed was his blue-green eyes that scanned over me with the same piercing feeling as the first time.

Sherlock presented himself, "Sherlock Holmes, it's an honor to meet your Majesty."

The Queen turned in her throne to look at her trusted advisor, Mycroft, standing behind her. "Holmes?"

He let out an exasperated sigh, "My brother," and whispered, "unfortunately."

Sherlock brought back the attention to him. "May I ask Miss Darlington for a dance?" Chris nodded at me but I didn't wait for his approval to step down the platform. He was not the boss of me, I could dance with whoever I wanted.

He walked me to the center of the dance floor with everyone staring at us. We started a slow dance and he leaned to whisper in my ear, "I need you to grab any files of your father's that you can take."

"You're a genius detective and you need me to steal documents? What's in my father's papers that you want so bad?"

"He might have documents about past undercover missions."

I broke from him but quickly came back so that no one noticed the tension. "Are you saying the CIA acted against the English Crown?"

"You have an access I do not have. Plus, your brother is starting his training with MI6 and if you play your cards right, you'll get more information."

"This is too public to talk about such private matters." I pulled him out of the room to somewhere where the prying eyes and ears couldn't reach. That was when I noticed my own jealousy that he was all that I couldn't have: a choice, a career, a life he could call his own and that made him strangely more attractive.

Oblivious to our closeness, he said, "I found proof that some organization might be in the middle of all the investigation. It is possible the CIA sent agents to get more details on their mission."

I backed down a little. I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed. "I'll do what I can."

We got back to the Ballroom and I walked to the platform where some courtiers and nobles had already formed a line, waiting to talk to the royal family. I plastered a smile on my face as I snatched a glass of champagne for a passing waiter. I slipped my arm through Chris's and put a loving look in my eyes.

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