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   On June 17th, 2065, in Buckingham Palace, during a summer afternoon, the King was anxiously pacing.

    Around 3 pm, King William V was walking back and forth in front of the birthing chambers. He couldn't wait for the birth of his son, the first after his three daughters: Mary, Victoria, and Grace. He already had a name, a name that had never been given to a prince. After another few minutes of worrying, a baby cried on the other side of the door and William burst into the room.

    "Meet your son, my lord," Announced the nurse, Anna. She started to clean the baby boy and turned to look at the mother. "Have you thought of a name?"

    Katherine turned her head from the already fussing newborn to look at her husband. "I'll leave you the honor of naming the future king." She said out of breath, sweat dripping from her dark skin with exhaustion.

    The nurse wrapped the prince in a blanket and placed him in the arms of the queen. The king rushed to the bedside of his wife and new child and kissed his son's forehead. "He's perfect. He will be named Christopher of Buckingham, King Christopher the First."

    Katherine agreed with a kiss to William. "I love it, my angel Christopher. Anna, would you be a dear and find the princesses? I want them to be the first to meet the new member of the family." Anna bowed and scurried out of the room, leaving the king and queen with their son.

    A few minutes later, Mary and Victoria came running and giggling in the chamber, Anna right behind them with a 2-year-old Grace in her arms.
    "My princesses," William shouted in his deep thunderous voice. His arms open to hug his eldest daughters. Mary and Victoria jumped in her father's arms but Vicky rapidly wiggled herself out to climb on the massive bed.

    "Oh hi, baby Chris! You're so adorable!" She squealed and Chris started crying. Katherine pulled him closer to her. Vicky quickly lost all her enthusiasm. "He doesn't like me, does he?"

    Her mom laughed. "Don't worry, dear. He was just born." She turned to look at Mary and Grace on her other side. "He will love all of you. You will be the best sisters he could ever wish for."

    William rose from the bed. "I will send news to announce the birth of our son. I will also prepare festivities in his honor to take place in three days." And he left to prepare what he thought would be a day of joy for the entire kingdom.

                                                              *          *          *

    Three days later, the whole British nobility was gathered in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. The King was at the center of the celebrations with his son dressed in the traditional robes. "Friends and family!" He said loudly over the crowd. "We are gathered here on this beautiful day to celebrate the birth of my son, Prince Christopher! Let's raise our glasses to the future king!"

    "Long live the prince! Long live the prince! Long live the prince!" And the music drowned the rest of the crowd. When everyone resumed to their drinks and their conversations. William spotted a friend of his who he hadn't seen for years. He placed the baby in the care of the nurse and pushed through the people to reach the woman with blond hair who just entered the courtyard. She turned to look at him and surprise flashed in her eyes. "William! Wow, it's been so long!" She jumped in the arms of her childhood friend, "Look at you, you've grown to be quite a handsome man! How is your family?"

    His head buried in her hair smelling of oranges and vanilla, "Isabella! What a good surprise!" It had been 5 years since Isabella Darlington hadn't come to court. "You are as pretty as I remember you. Even prettier! The family is going well, our daughters are so very sweet to their little brother. You should stay to meet them," They started catching up on the Darlington family as well when a tall, brown-haired man with piercing blue eyes appeared, carrying two drinks.

    He bowed deeply and said in his American accent. "Your Majesty."

    Isabella took a glass and hooked her arm to the man's. The king looked at his American friend with astonishment, "Edward? What are you doing here? I thought your mission was over and you were already heading back to America."

"Well you see, during my mission I was invited to many parties and that's where I met my fabulous fiancée." The look in his fiancée's eyes was clearly saying she was madly in love with Edward. The king could now clearly see the ring on the hand resting on the arm of her lover.

    "Oh, congratulations to you both! When is it happening? I'd love to attend." Excitingly, he asked to take a look at the jewel on her hand.

    While he was admiring the diamond, Isabella whispered, "My parents don't know about the whole engagement thing and I know they wouldn't give me their blessing. We were supposed to run away tonight but I couldn't miss the celebrations for my best friend's son, could I?" Edward stiffened at the corner of William's eye and he released his grip on her hand. "Anyway, we will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

    He sighed. "What a shame, I won't be able to attend one of my best friend's wedding."

    The sun started to set behind the line of trees surrounding the garden. The nobles were invited inside to eat at the banquet. The royal family had invited Isabella and Edward to their table. After the supper, Edward left before being followed by the Queen and her children going to their chambers for the night.

Barely minutes after they departed, screams fused through the room from both men and women. The guards were running to protect the king. The people at the end of the ballroom ducked and covered their heads with their hands. Four figures clad in black clothes and wearing masks appeared at the double-doors of the room. They ran through the crowds, taking their weapons out. One of the members with a feminine stature took something from her pocket and smashed it on the ground. It exploded and smoke spread across the room. People closest to the bomb started dropping like flies.

From the royal table, King William couldn't tell if they were dropping dead or simply unconscious.

He looked at the attackers through the rising smoke. Standing next to the woman was a tall man looking directly at him. Those icy blue eyes would be the last thing the King would ever see before dropping to the ground.

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