Chapter 1

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19 years later
I stood in front of three tall mirrors. The seamstress and her assistant were throwing measuring tapes and samples of clothing around the room. Tonight had been a special night because I had supper with our parents and my siblings, Alexander and Elizabeth. My parents rarely spent any time with us and when we were summoned to dine with them, it always meant something important was happening.

My father, Edward, sat at one end of the table, and Isabella, my mother, at the other. My sister was sitting on my right and my brother across from us. A dish of risotto was brought to the table and we started eating in silence.

"How are you and your friends feeling about your prom tomorrow, Naomi?" asked my mother.

"We can't wait, I'll go to Jane's house to prepare with the girls. " I replied in a seemingly not too excited expression even if it was the only thing I could think of for the last week.

Edward cleared his throat. "As you must already know, Isabella and I have an announcement for you."

"What is it, Father," Alexander said impatiently.

Alexander was never comfortable around our father. He is 20 years old and being the first-born, our parents were always quite strict with him. He would try to avoid them at all times, especially Father, if he could. Obviously, at a dinner like this one, he could only hope it would go fast and we wouldn't waste time on some insignificant small talk.

"We are going to England for the whole summer at least. The CIA is sending me as a representative of the American forces to MI6. We also got invited to a ball hosted by Queen Katherine to welcome us. I know it might be on short notice but Alexander, bring a suit with a normal tie. No colorful ties. Naomi and Elizabeth, I will ask the seamstress to make you new dresses for the event." revealed Father.

As usual, we needed a new outfit for each occasion. Edward didn't like for us to appear in special events with recycled dresses.

"Can't I wear the dress Miss Parson designed for my end-of-the-year party?" asked Elizabeth.

"We are to meet the Queen of England. We can't wear a simple summer dress." I retorted. "When are we leaving?"

"Right after your prom, darling." Mother answered. Darling is one of her favorite expressions.

Isabella was born and raised in England. She never talked that much about her family. The only thing we knew is that she was the second-born of the Darlingtons after her brother and was meant to marry an important member of the nobility. She met Edward and disgraced her family's name by marrying him without her parents' consent and running away to America.

But leaving right after my prom. The prom was tomorrow. It also meant our seamstress didn't have much time to design and create the gowns. I immediately started to think of the series of sketches lying in a secret locked box.

We continued eating, a tangible tension always present when we were with our parents. Kitchen maids took our plates away and others brought our dessert, Edward and Isabella excused themselves as always. Not quite as fond of sweets like us. The servants brought multiple bells revealing cupcakes and cookies.

"Elizabeth, I was thinking about our new outfits for the ball. I have a few ideas I could see on you. Do you want to come to my room later to take a look at them?" I proposed to her.

In a high pitched voice, she squealed, " Really! You would let me see your designs? You never allowed me to look at them, let alone choose one."

Elizabeth is 15, but her birthday is in October. Even with her 15 years of age, she acts like any little sister would. She is a fan of fashion like me but she doesn't have the artistic eye of our mother like I do but she got her looks. She inherited all the Darlington genes while I barely resembled my mother. Alex and Bessie are always snooping in my room to get a glimpse of what I draw but it's not that great and I would always hide it from them. That was probably the first time I let someone other than the seamstress look at it.

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